The City Of Angel(s)

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"ahem..we take place in the city of Los Angeles California where a dashing young man.."
suddenly God is interrupted by his son, Samael. 

"Hey sorry I'm late I'm supposed to be narrating?"

"S-Sam? why are you here your interrupting my narrating besides you need to be watching.."

Lucifer shrugs "yea yea, Los Vegas sin city bla bla bla look this story is about vampires...ya know the creatures of darkness? the damned? so move over old man lucy's got this"

God huffs rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Lucif...I mean Samael, you mustn't leave las vegas without ruling it's your hellish city now go back before something bad happens!"

"bad? It's Las Vegas Father it's always bad now go back to granting wishes or whatever I got this"

he snatches the script from his dad. 

"I don't grant 'wishes' and fine BUT IM going to keep the gamblers and prostitutes under control"

"you know there's more to Las Vegas than sex and gambling right? Like weed! and the Hershey factory! ya know so you can.."

God grumbles "get high and go eat chocolate you know I'm always watching son...anyway, don't make the story suck"

Lucy huffs and shakes the script.

"we take place in LA the City of angels where a young vampire is doing...not so vampire things. is this good? am I doing this right?"

{L.A. California, 9:34 pm}

A tall, Toned not as pale as you'd think, jet black-haired boy in a white shirt and black vest was waiting tables in a small diner. he walked up to a girl with notebooks scattered on her table deep in thought. 

"Welcome to Dunkin's Diner what can I get for ya?" The boy said a soft smirk on his face making him look a bit cocky.

The girl looked up from her textbook and yawned. 

"o-oh sorry hi, um can I get the sunrise with a strawberry lemonade, please?"

the waiter flashed a smile as he scribbled on his notepad.

"of course, and can I get your name darling?" he licks his lips waiting for a reply.

"Angel." she smiles softly before burying her nose back in her book.

"Well, would you look at that an Angel in the City of Angels." he chuckles before turning to leave.

"Hey, what's your name?" Angel asks as the slender boy turns with the same mysterious smirk.

"Niko." He winks as he walks back to give the cook the ticket

"what was that look in his eyes? a glint of something I've never seen..eyes don't do that." Angel scribbles something in her notebook.


that's the end of the first chapter. what do you guys think?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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