'Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?' I asked him, indicating our house. He shook his head, 'I've got stuff to do' he told me

'Okay well I'll maybe see you later, Ezra come and say thank you again'

'Thank you' he mumbled obediently. Severus half smiled at him.

He nodded at us and went through his garden gate, pausing to flatten the earth slightly around one of his plants with his foot. He opened his front door and went inside, disappearing from sight.

I unlocked our own front door, the house was still deserted and I wasn't surprised. My parents often disappeared for weeks at a time with no one having any idea where they had gone.

Ezra went off into the bathroom to inspect his plaster and I opened the back door to let a draft into the kitchen.

'Ezra come and get your Walkman' I called to him, seeing it discarded on the table. 'Yeah whatever' he shouted back.

I rolled my eyes, clearly his sweet little brother moment was over. He rushed down the stairs, grabbing it off the table. 'Don't go making a mess upstairs' I told him.

He ignored me completely and dashed back upstairs. The telephone rang in the hall and I picked it up. 'Hi!' came a voice it was one of Ezra's friends from along the street.

'Ezra its for you' I yelled up the stairs and then into the phone 'Hes coming'

He thundered down the stairs, almost falling and smashing his head open again. 'Hi! Yeah I'll be out in a minute' he gabbled into the phone.

'Can I go and see Justin?' he asked me, 'I wanna show him my plaster'

'Sure, be home soon though and your not allowed out past 4pm' I told him and he sprinted out of the house and down the lane.

I shook my head and sat on the step that faced onto the street. My head in my hands as I let the sun wash over my face. I would finish my essay later.

I glanced up at Severus' house, I could see him standing in the kitchen. A mug of tea in one hand and a newspaper in the other.

I diverted my eyes and picked at a blade of grass. Scuffing the edge of my trainers in the dirt.

I felt drawn to Severus for some reason. I wasn't sure whether it was his intriguing nature of keeping quiet or something else.

I went back into the house and cracked open a can of coca cola. It was best not to drink this stuff around Ezra, he always begged for a can and went mental after one.

I went back to my stone step seat, the cold drink cooling me. It was one of the hottest summers I could ever remember.

Severus wandered out of his house and into the sunlight. I leant against the door and smiled slightly at the sight of him, I hadn't shut it properly and it opened and I fell backwards into the house.

I sat up quickly and looked up, Severus was leaning against our garden gate 'Your family do have a habit of falling over don't you' he said, a proper smile crossing his face.

'Yeah we do a bit' I replied, blushing scarlet.

'I was wondering if you wanted to go for a drink down at the pub?' he asked, looking down at his feet.

'I'd love to but I don't know where my parents have gone and I can't leave Ezra' I sighed.

A look of concern crossed his face 'Do you know when they'll be back?' he asked.

'No clue, they disappear for weeks at a time, its alright though' I said at the expression on his face 'I'm 25 now, I can look after him'

'You shouldn't have to, you should be living your life'

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