"She's got an apple, I'm not starving her" Jay defended himself,

"Here you go kid" Voight said as he handed me $2

"Thank you" I exclaimed as I took the $2 from his hand,

"Erm, hang on" Jay exclaimed as he sent an exasperated look to Voight,

"Please Jay!" I begged "I wont tell Will you gave me candy" I bargained, knowing how our other brother would feel about the snack situation,

"Fine, but you better eat all your dinner" he caved as I jumped up,

"Thank you!" I shouted as I walked back down the stairs and towards the vending machine.

I walked back up the stairs triumphantly with my m&m's in my hand, but before I had a chance to open them, they were swiped from my hands,

"I don't think so" Jay said as he put them on his desk.

"Why?" I frowned "you said I could get them!" I whined,

"That was before I found this in your bag" he said holding up my report card, my eyes widened

"It's not what it looks like" I stated but it came out as more of a question than a statement,

"Really, because it seems to me like another bad report card" he said unimpressed. I remained silent and stared at my feet, feeling my brothers stern glare burn in to the top of my head. "We'll talk about this when we get home" he informed "go wait in the break room until I've finished" he ordered.

"Jay, I'm still hungry" I exclaimed,

"I'm sure that apple's still up for grabs" he stated sarcastically "go."

We drove home in silence and I entered the apartment with a glum frown plastered across my face,

"Hey" Will greeted "what's up?" He questioned when he saw my sad expression and Jays angry one.

"Do you wanna tell him?" Jay asked raising an eyebrow at me. I stayed silent with tears now coming down my face, "she needs her report card signing" Jay explained as Will frowned "she's failed another test."

"Gracie go to your room" Will instructed calmly "I'll come and get you in a bit" he explained as I solemnly made my way in to my bedroom and flopped down on to my bed.

It was about twenty minutes before Will knocked on my bedroom door, "Gracie" he said calmly as he walked over to my bed, pushing my hair away from my face, "come on, let's talk about this" he encouraged. I shook my head as I pulled away from him and and shoved my head deeper into my pillows, "Gracie" he said sterner "come on" he instructed as I slowly and against my will made my way in to the living room were Jay was sat on the sofa. I sat down and Will did the same,

"What's going on Gracie?" Jay asked. I stayed silent not wanting my brothers to find out the truth,

"If you don't tell us then we can't help you" Will tried.

"I just don't understand the work" I lied, hoping that it would get my brothers off my back.

"I know that's not true Gracie" Jay said leaning forward on to his knees "because I was just on the phone to your teacher and she says that all your homework and schoolwork is brilliant" he informed "she can't understand why your failing tests that in her opinion she thinks you should be getting A's on" I sat silently with tears running down my cheeks, not wanting my brothers to find out the truth.

"Come on Gracie" Will encouraged "whatever it is, we can fix it" he assured. I shook my head,

"Not this you can't" I sobbed as Will pulled me in to his chest,

"You don't know that if you don't give us a chance" Jay said "and anyway whenever have we let you down?" He asked winking at me.

"I just wanted to fit in" I admitted as more tears flowed down my cheeks,

"What do you mean sweetie?" Will asked confused as he pulled me away from his chest so he could see my face. And that was when I broke down. I told them all about the name calling and the shoving. All the jokes at my expense. I explained how they said no one would want to be my friend if I was a geek. How I just failed so I could fit in. There was a long silence before anyone spoke, "You know those girls are not your friends sweetie" Will explained gently,

"He's right Gracie" Jay agreed "you're a smart girl and you should be proud of that" he encouraged.

"Really?" I asked unconvinced,

"Absolutely" Will said "they're just intimidated by you because your twice as smart and twice as pretty" he comforted as Jay nodded in agreement.

"And listen to me, you don't have to change yourself to make someone like you" Jay said "If they don't like you for who you are then they aren't even worth your time".

"First thing Monday morning we'll tell your teacher exactly what's been going on" Will said "they wont bother you anymore Gracie" he promised "OK?" He asked.

I nodded, now feeling much better about myself,

"Yeah" I replied,

"Why don't you go and get your pj's on and we'll order takeout and watch a movie?" Jay suggested, as I shot up from my place on the sofa

"Can we get pizza?" I asked hopefully,

"Sure" he replied, smirking at my excitement.

So that's what we did. We ordered pizza and watched descendants on the sofa, eventually falling asleep in front of the tv. 

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