#2 • Safe In Your Arms

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Trigger Warning
.Physical Abuse
.Emotional Abuse
.Panic Attack

Ship: TodoDeku

Little: Todoroki
Caregiver: Midoriya

Todo's POV

I was regressed - my caregiver Kokomi Nashima was watching a TV programme I wasn't interested in as I was too busy coloring in a picture of a kitty. Once I was finished, I admired it for it bit before getting bored and waddling over to Kokomi, my sparkly teal pacifer in my mouth. I took it out my mouth before poking her to get her attention. "Mama, can we go ge' i'cweam?" I asked with big puppy dog eyes. "Not right now, Sho. I'm busy" she retorted blandly, not even sparing a glance. "Can we pway den?" I asked. "Not right now, Sho" she said more sternly. "But mamaa-" I whined but was cut off by her spinning around, "SHUT UP, SHOTO! STOP BEING A BRAT!". My eyes started to water, "Why are yu mad a' me?". She growled, standing up and gripping my wrist harshly. "Because I just want to watch my show. You're being a selfish brat, now leave me alone!" she spat. "B-but-" I began, but was cur off by her slapping me across the face. "SHUT IT! IF YOU LOVED ME THEN YOU'D FUCK OFF!! DON'T YOU LOVE ME?! AFTER ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YOU, THIS IS HOW YOU PAY ME BACK?!" she screamed in my face. "I do wuv yu! I do!" I sobbed. "THEN SHUT UP AND GO AWAY! SPEAK SOME REAL FUCKING JAPANESE AND GROW UP!" she yelled back, hitting me again. Tears kept flowing down my face as I scrambled to my bed, hiding in the corner in the fetal position.

All the dorms had been sound proofed ever since Bakugo and Kirishima had gotten together - they weren't the quietest couple in the world. Kokomi kept watching her show as I tried to silence my sobs. This wasn't an uncommon accurance. She used to be amazing and fun, always playing with me and doing fun things like going to the park. But nowadays she was so much more cold and cruel. Just like Endeavour...

I had began to slip back out of littlespace, having a panic attack as soon as I was big. Flashbacks haunted me like a plague that wouldn't go away as I bit my tongue to try and muffle my sobs. "SHUT UP, I CAN'T HEAR MY SHOW OVER YOUR PATHETIC CRYING" Kokomi yelled. I couldn't speak, I couldn't hear. Everything was muffled, everything was blurred. It was like watching a low quality horror movie that seemed to never end, and the sound was put on the lowest possible volume. I had taken out my pacifier and instead was sitting up, rocking back and forth. "SHOTO, WOULD YOU STOP-" Kokomi was about to yell something at me until she saw me. "Shoto?" she questioned. "SHOTO!?" she asked more desperately. She went to go hold be but I flinched away, standing up. "DON'T TOUCH ME" I yelled, somehow finding my voice. "But Sho... I'm you're mama, remember..?" she gave a small smile. "No... not anymore. You're abusing me... I can't keep doing this, Nashima. Just leave... you're not my mama anymore" I growled, tears still streaming down my face. "Fine. You'll be crying for me soon enough when you realise you're pathetic without me" she snapped, turning around, stomping out the room and slamming the door behind her.

I broke down, my sobs filling the room. The TV had turned off when she saw me, leaving a deathly silence in the room. I grabbed at my hair tightly, bagging my head with my fists at an attempt to get the memories to stop. My banging got more and more desperate as the memories got more vivid and loud. I heard someone in the background, but I was too panicked to care. I kept banging my fists against my head, getting more and more violent until a pair of hands grabbed my own hands. I looked up with a tear filled face at a green blob of hair. 'Midoriya..'. He pulled me in, holding me tightly as I sobbed into his shirt, clinging on for dear life. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, stroking my back gently with one hand and fiddling with my hair with the other. I slowly began to calm down.

"Are you ok, Todoroki..?" Midoriya asked, pulling away from the hugging but still having a hand gently wrapped on my forearm. I nodded weakly. "Do you mind telling me what happened..?" he asked softly, rubbing his thumb gently on my forearm. "My ex caregiver was abusing me... she had been for a while. She triggered some flashbacks after she hit and yelled at me, and I just broke. She noticed, and tried to hold me, but I snapped. She's gone now... but she said it wouldn't be long before I'd go back to her. I don't want to go back... Midoriya, I'm scared.." I admitted, my eyes fixed on the ground. "Todoroki.." he spoke softly, one hand lifting my chin. "You don't need her. She was abusive and toxic, you deserve so much better" he smiled as he wiped my tears away with his thumb. I smiled gratefully at him before my eyes flickered to his lips and back at his eyes. I leaned in, but hesitated for a moment. "Go ahead.." he whispered, his breath on my lips. I took that as my go ahead and leaned in.

His lips were soft and warm, and he tasted like sweet green caramel apple. Our lips moved in sync, like a beautiful dance. When we parted, we were both red. "Todoroki... do you want to... maybe... be my boyfriend?" Midoriya asked gently. "I'd love to" I smiled back softly, holding his hand lovingly. He kissed me softly, a sweet kiss that didn't last too long. "Todoroki.." he began. "Call me Shoto... we are boyfriends now" I smiled. "Okay... Shoto... are you an age regressor..?" he asked with soft eyes. I nodded slowly. "I know, it's weird.." I mumbled. "Shoto, in no way shape or form is it wierd. It's adorable, and if it's ok with you, I'd like to be your caregiver. I know you just got out of an abusive relationship but, I-" he began but I cut him off with a kiss to the cheek. "I'd love that, Midoriya" I smiled as I cupped his cheek in my palm. "Call me Izuku" he smiled widely, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "Okay, Izuku" I smiled back as he pulled me into a hug.

It was safe and warm. I snuggled into him with a soft smile on my lips as I breathed in his sweet scent. "My baby boy.." he whispered, rubbing circles onto my back.

MHA/BNHA Age Regression Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें