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Jimins pov

I walk outside and gasp when it starts to rain, I wince when something falls onto my head "ouch..." i walk back inside and grab a umbrella. I then ruffle my hair "stupid weather" i walk outside and gasp when it stops raining "what is happening..." i groan when my umbrella flies away because of a gust of wind "oh for fuck sake...why am I so unlucky?!" I huff and start to walk down the street.

I see a store selling mirrors and I huff crossing the street so they won't break as I walk past them...

My life sucks!!

I continue to walk down the street, people shove into me making me groan a little, i pull my phone out which is smashed and cracked and message taehyung saying I might be a little later than usual to my shift

I work in a cafe with some of my friends and I'm usually the last one to get to work because of how unlucky I am and how everything bad always happens to me


Jungkooks pov

I gasp looking out the window seeing its raining "yes!!" I run outside and sigh when it stops raining. I start to walk down the street. I see a puddle on the ground and smile, I go to jump in it but a piece of newspaper gets blown over it. I huff and then start to walk down the street again.

I see flowers bloom as I walk past them, I smile and then pick a flower up "how pretty..." i gasp when a bird flies around me. I turn around and smile a little, I hold my finger out and it lands on my finger making me laugh a little

I then let it go and continue to walk down the street. I giggle and wave to others on the street saying good morning to everyone

I make my way to the flourist store where I work with my friend hoseok. I arrive at the store and smile seeing hoseok putting some new flowers out on display. I walk into the store "morning hyung!!" he looks at me and smiles "morning Kookie...i was about to go to my boyfriends cafe before opening, you wanna come?"

I gasp and nod "sure! I wanna meet your boyfriends!" we walk out the store and walk towards a cafe. I look at the sign "jinhit? What a peculiar name" hoseok nods "the owner is called jin" I laugh a little

I gasp a little when someone screams. I turn around and see a man who is now on the floor covered in trash. I rush to him and hold my hand out "are you okay sir?" he looks up at me and I gasp a little, his eyes widen and he quickly stands up brushing himself off "I'm fine!"

I nod and then giggle a little picking a leaf out his hair "well uh....be careful next time...uh.." he gulps "jimin....Park jimin" I smile "I'm Jeon jungkook, nice to meet you!" I hold out my hand again but he just steps back and nods "yeah uh.... Nice to meet you"

He then rushes off and into jinhit cafe.. I sigh a little "maybe he just doesn't like people..." i walk back to hobi and we walk into the cafe together and sit at a table

Park jimin.....he was a little strange...

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