mellypliny;; care

276 5 12

requested by ledkitty !!

basic info

reader: female
personality: shy, determined, sweet


she lay silent on the cold floor, looking up at the menacing photographer who stood upon her.
it hurt.
oh, it hurt so much.
and her developing cold wasn't making the pain of being incapacitated any better.

for the past few days, y/n had been participating in countless matches, one after another, with little to no breaks. she was currently saving up for a bigger room, to attempt to impress the woman she was inlove with; melly pliny. y/n had caught feelings for melly the first time she walked through the doors of the manor. though, as she went on with her matches, feelings turned out to be only the first thing she caught. the other had arrived to strike her from behind: a stupid sickness.

the manor wasn't exactly a great place to be sick, with the constant running around in cold atmospheres and no medication to help get rid of it.
no one ever caught a cold anyway, as they didn't play too many matches a day. the catch being, no one is really prepared to take care of a poor, sick person. except melly.

melly had been spectating y/n's matches from afar, quickly taking notice of the worsening condition she was in. melly planned to try to help nurse her back to good health, if she got the chance.


"w.. woah... eeek!"

after y/n was forcefully sent back to the manor, dread instantly took over as she slumped over to the lounge, wishing she could take a break. but, as determined as she is, y/n knew she couldn't stop there, and was about to play another match.

until she collapsed, of course.




"hey, is she okay?"

"wake up, my sleeping beauty! i love you!"

"fuck off kevin. no one needs to hear your flirting right now."

"calm down, naib."

slowly opening her eyes, y/n sat up on what seemed to be a cozy, little couch. unwrapping the blanket that had been thrown on her while she was unconscious, she looked around at all the survivors gathered around her.

"y-y/n! i'm glad you're awake, darling!"

y/n heard the soft voice of her acquaintance, melly, being the first to call out to her from the back of the crowd.
she watched as the entomologist made her way through the countless survivors, to sit beside y/n.

melly gave the woman a small hug and giggled.

'warm..' y/n thought, as she slowly melted into her touch.

"emily, could you check her temperature, please?" melly questioned, moving her body away and slowly lifting up y/n.

"of course." emily stood up from the armchair she was resting in, and trotted over to the pair.
"everyone else can go resume their activities now. melly and i will deal with this." the doctor informed the crowd.

watching as the survivors made their way off to do whatever they wanted, y/n let out a sigh of relief. she definitely wasn't a fan of crowds, nor too much attention.

her mind seemed to be blank as she let emily take her temperature. glancing over at melly a few times as the doctor chatted away about y/n's condition, she felt her eyelids grow heavy and desperately tried to keep conscious.

"...taking care of her for a bit?"

y/n perked up at the portion of conversation she had heard.

"i wouldn't mind, no. thank you, emily."
the soothing voice of melly responded, as emily swiftly walked off.

"were you listening, y/n?" melly asked, picking up y/n bridal style and beginning to trudge off to her own room.
surprised at the sudden contact— and of how strong melly was— y/n's cheeks flushed a bright pink as she answered no.

"i'll be taking care of you for a few days, if that's alright with you." melly beamed, a big grin under her mask that unfortunately y/n couldn't see.

"a-ah. that's fine, but.. can i still play matches? i'm saving up for something.."

"my apologies y/n, but you'll have to wait until you're feeling better, okay? i don't want your condition worsening again."

"oh, alright.."

after what seemed like not even a minute, the couple had entered the entomologists room as melly gently laid y/n down on the double-bed.
"im sorry to trouble you, melly." y/n stated, clearly guilty of wasting her precious crushes time.

"it's absolutely no problem, y/n. i'm more than happy to take care of someone as sweet as you. now, say ahh!"


as soon as y/n opened her mouth slightly, a spoonful of honey was shoved into it.

"mmff! mmmm! melly!"

the girl struggled in place as she was forced to swallow the substance.

"hehe.. ehahahaha! oh my god. i'm sorry y/n, that w-was- eheh- hilarious-"
melly burst into a fit of laughter, and after slowly regaining her composure, slid her mask off.

her face was gorgeous. luscious, short brown locks, and eyes dark blue like the deep sea.

"there's no point in leaving it on, is there?" melly implied, seemingly knowing y/n was confused just at her facial expression.

"i-i guess not.."

an awkward, yet comfortable silence took place as melly laid beside y/n and snuggled into her chest.

y/n finally broke the silence. stifling back a cough, she choked out,
"melly.. you're gonna get s-sick.."

"i know, y/n. but i don't mind getting sick if it means i get to spend time with you."

y/n's face was bright red; partly from being flustered, and partly from sneezing her life away earlier.

eyelids still heavy from before, y/n began to doze off as melly nuzzled into the crane of her neck, generating warmth for the both of them.

melly placed a gentle kiss on y/n's skin before she too, dozed off with y/n in her arms.


then melly got sick and died the end

anyway big spoon melly got me shaking this was so cute to write

hope this is good enough for you !! let me know if you want me to fix up/add anything,,

<3, author-kun

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