The man across the road

Start from the beginning

I climbed onto the fence and sat there, breathing in the smell of the flowers around me. I wondered why they hadn't been destroyed yet, surely the kids had been here before to wreck them.

I took out a small notebook out my pocket and a biro, obviously I wasn't going to bring a quill here. I started scribbling down some of my ideas for the essay.

The sun reflected off the paper, shining into my eyes. I heard footsteps in the grass and looked up. The sun was still bright and I couldn't see whoever it was face but there was no mistaking that dark hair and black jeans.

The man across the road was making his way across the field, he didn't appear to have seen me. I went back to my writing, not wanting to seem like I was staring at him although that was all I wanted to do.

I tucked my hair behind my ears and tried not to smile as I heard him getting closer. I looked up, he was a mere 4 foot away now.

He saw me and his lips twitched slightly, they formed into a sort of smile. More like a smirk but not in a patronising way.

I nodded at him and he climbed over the fence and continued on with his walk. I turned to watch him, he glanced around and rolled up his sleeves.

I could see a tattoo on his forearm but not what it was. He turned back, and saw me watching him again. Raising an eyebrow and shaking his head he faced forward again.

I put my head in my hands, embarrassment coursing through my body, that's the second time he's caught me staring at him.

I rubbed my eyes and went back to my work, I sat there for another 3 hours, waiting to see if he'd walk back this way. Maybe I could speak to him rather than communicating through nods and him seeing me staring at him all the time.

However he didn't come back and it was getting too hot to sit there. I packed away my notebook and pen and stood up. Hopping off the fence, as I stepped off I got my foot caught in the gap and almost fell flat on my face.

Someone caught me though, strong arms lifting me back onto my feet. It was the dark haired man 'Try to be more careful' he said.

'Oh uhm thank you' I muttered, blushing furiously as I looked at my bleeding shin.

I bent down and wiped the blood off it, the man raised an eyebrow. I had to talk to him now or I might not get another opportunity before he disappeared for another year.

'I'm Esme by the way' I told him, he nodded. We began to walk back towards the village in silence.

Just as we reached our houses he said quietly 'Severus'

'Pardon?' I said, not knowing what he meant.

'I'm Severus' his voice was deep and oddly soothing. I smiled at him and he did his half smirk.

I went into my house, as usual mum was in the kitchen, loudly clattering pans and pots around and my dad was sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, scowling at her back.

I climbed the stairs without saying hello to either of them. Ezra was sat at the top of the stairs, his head on his hand. I felt bad for not taking him with me, he needed to get out of the house as much as me.

However if I had taken him I might have never met Severus. I scooted past Ezra, ruffling his hair slightly 'Leave off' he scoffed, pushing my hand away.

Once in my bedroom I muttered 'Severus' trying out the name. It rolled off my tongue smoothly. Like my mouth was made to say it.

I whispered it again, going back to my spot my the window. I looked at his house, as if he might walk out of it and come and see me.

My Dark Haired Neighbour (Severus Snape Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now