Zero shot bullets at Shizuka but I blocked them with my sword to protect her "I'm sorry Zero I can't let you kill her. You'll just destroy yourself along with her" I turned around in an attempt to stab her but another sword went into my arm and it was Ichuru's sword "Lucy!" I turned to where Ichuru was and then he spoke "Shizuka why are you doing this? Why are you playing with them? I will not allow it. I will not have you die" Ichuru.... "Huh. Don't interfere. Lucy, Zero, and I had unfinished business" I pulled out the sword and it quickly healed "Besides you have no need to worry I have things well under control here and I have no intention of dying here" I ran after Shizuka but Ichuru blocked me "Slow down, don't disobey your master. Don't leave again" I looked at Ichuru with anger "The deals off, you are no longer my master" Zero moved me out of the way and he stood in front of him "What I meant was the vampire world and I meant for both of you" "Zero who's Ichuru?" We never mentioned Ichuru around Yuki or anyone besides each other because it was too painful "Aren't you going to introduce us, Lucy" Ichuru has my masters blood so it's not easy to disobey him" I used the sword and sliced his mask off without drawing blood "He's Zero's twin brother" Yuki was definitely surprised. I would say I understood her reaction but I lived around them both too long to understand everyone's reaction. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs at Ichuru for doing this. Ichuru took out his sword "Protect yourself Zero, for I am not the same me. The one who followed you around and slowed you down is long gone. You see Zero I have been allowed to drink Shizuka's blood" I knew that but Zero was shocked out of his wits "The flesh and blood of a pureblood can give you special powers and abilities. I know you crave that too, just admit it" I handed Zero the sword. Because I knew I didn't stand a chance up against Ichuru. Before they could start fighting Yuki go in between them "Stop it you two, will you just stop it! No matter what happened you two are brothers....." Ichuru pointed his sword to Yuki's face close enough to stab her in the nose "If you get involved in this. I will kill you even if Shizuka doesn't want me to" I took Zero's gun and pointed it at Ichuru's head "That's enough Ichuru!" He smiled evilly at me "I thought that vampire hunter guns only worked on vampires" Damn "I knew it" Ichuru got mad at me then swung the sword at me but Zero quickly pulled me back. I looked at Yuki "Stay out of this Yuki!" Zero and Ichuru got into a battle. They swung and swung "Your right this body is still human, Zero!" Yuki and I just stood there watching their quarrel. I made sure that Yuki didn't interfere though it was an easy task because she barely moved. She's most likely was processing what's happening "Shizuka did let me drink her blood but she...she didn't want my blood in return. She never once desired it at all!" I knew Ichuru loved Shizuka but he also returned my feelings as well. They both went back to swinging their blades. Their blades clashing and making sparks fly, I'm surprised it didn't start a fire "NOT ANYONE LOOKED AT ME, NOT MOM, NOT DAD, ONLY YOU! AND FINALLY, I MET HER, she's the one who saved me FROM THE DEPTHS OF LONELINESS. IT WAS HER CRIMSON PEDALS IN THE DARKNESS THAT BROUGHT COLOR INTO MY LIFE AND STILL...." Ichuru knocked Zero to the ground "SHIZUKA CHOSE YOU AND NOT ME!" I blocked Ichuru's blade that was about to connect with Zero's face with my knives that I always carried around "Ichuru you've gone mad!" I swung my double blades "WHY WAS IT ZERO, LUCY WHY?!" I grabbed his sword with my blades and threw them to the other side of the room "I've always been by her side. I've always been there more than anyone else..." Ichuru was on the break of tears. I wanted very much to hug him. As if I was being possessed I dropped my blades and slowly walked to Ichuru breathing heavily and I was on the break of tears. I wrapped my arms around him tightly but gently. He wrapped his arm around me but continues talking "Even now she looks at me, the only man she truly sees is...." Ugh... I let go of Ichuru and looked at the door "The smell of blood.... Is so strong" Oh no "Shizuka?" I ran after Ichuru but then I felt a hand on my arm that felt like Yuki's I turned to Yuki and I saw she was clinging to Zero as well "Yuki listen, you don't know what's going on. I have to kill Shizuka. LET ME GO YUKI!" "You haven't told me what you planned to do after you've killed her. Is what Lucy said actually true Zero?" it use to be true but now I know Zero won't leave Yuki and neither would I "When everything is finished will you end your life too?" "Yes, you see that's why everything you've been doing wasn't necessary, Yuki" He's lying. He promised not to leave me! "I only did it to make sure you won't die Zero" He pulled her in for a hug as if for dear life "Yuki why, why do you insist on doing this. You don't need to care for me so much. All I wanted you to do was take care of my sister once I'm gone. I'm really glad that you didn't get hurt" No...No Zero you promised

"I promise you, Lucy. I'll never leave you alone. Never" Back when he made that promise was before we met Cross and before I had to leave because of some claim that I killed a pureblood.

(End of flashback)

I pulled away from Yuki's grasp as did Zero and then we walked out of the room leaving a crying Yuki behind. "It's true I use to wish that I could die along with that woman. But that's not what I want now" I turned to Yuki pausing in my place "We'll be back I promise" then we left

(in the hall)

Yuki. I promise 'I won't let Zero die' That I can promise. I ran towards the smell of blood, Zero was way behind me, When I got to the source of the smell and I saw Shizuka on the ground and Ichuru standing right next to her but he seemed frozen "Ichuru....." He didn't budge "What have they done to you Shizuka?" He fell to his knees and grabbed and placed her on his lap "Ichuru. I'm so sorry" The tears I've been holding back started to flow. I promised I would be strong but I couldn't anymore

[Discontinued] True StoryWhere stories live. Discover now