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Last year (2020), I was supposed to participate in the musical Addams Family, that my school was going to put on, but COVID had sadly gotten in the way of that. Though, just because happened, doesn't mean there weren't tons of things that happened from before the musical got canceled for us!

There isn't a lot of guys I go to school with that would willingly go into music and we ran into a shortage of guys that could sing high enough for the part of Pugsley. So instead, they casted two Altos in place, one an understudy, the other the actual player. I was given the understudy role, I wasn't going to argue, I was just glad they actually gave me a part. (I have really low self esteem if you can't tell.)

Well, to get it closer to the girl that I was the understudy for, they changed up part of the script and gender-bent it switching 'brother' to 'sister' yadda yadda. There was one practice I actually had to step in for. The director never told me that they only gender-bent Pugsley for her and just referred to me as a guy! Though I am non-binary, when I don't try, I can very much look feminine!

I couldn't tell if I should have been offended that the director just flat out told me I could pull of being a guy, or be happy that he thought I was enough to play the part with no alterations!

Question: If this happened to you, how would you react?

Tip of the day: When you are blocking (scripting) a musical, go all out and listen intently to your director. They will find this as you putting forth effort for the musical/play and you will get casted again! Melt into the character the best you can!

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