Sailing off without a map

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His brow creased as the light streaming from the cracks in the oversized curtains fell upon his face.

The sun warmed his chest as he gave himself a few moments to get his bearings.

Dosan was in bed, at home. Just like every morning, he turned over with the intention of seeking the comfort of the beauty that slept next to him every night. On the rare occasion like this one, he was met with an empty space next to him, a frown on his face and a frustrated yawn that he was yet again, not woken by the feel of her soft skin against his lips.

He glanced around the room hoping for any sign that she was still close. He was filled with slight optimism when he noticed the bathroom light on and the bathroom door half open.

Pushing the duvet aside, he swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood, only just now noticing that he was completely naked and taking a few moment to smirk at the memory of last night; the memory of his wife's begging and the way his name so pleadingly fell from her lips at every touch.

It was when his need to be near her again kicked in, that he began to pace towards their bathroom. A piece of him couldn't help but be saddened, disappointed that he couldn't hear her usual voice singing as she washed herself; a morning ritual Dosan had become accustom to in the years they had been together. He would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that the sound of her honey voice didn't make him smile ear to ear, making him want to kiss her as the sound filled his ears.

Grinning with excitement of surprising her as she readied - no doubt being in her bad books for the rest of the day when he makes her late for an appointment, he strutted into the bathroom, her name readily on his lips.

"Dalmi-ya.." He announced, but only to be silenced when he was met with an empty bathroom.

Removing him from the disappointment of not finding her naked in the shower of even in her underwear perfecting her make-up, he quickly washed his face and brushed his teeth before walking back into their bedroom and found himself a pair of clean boxers.

After a glance at the clock in his bedside table, he frowned once again. It was 8am and dumfounded, Dosan pondered as to why he hadn't been woken hours earlier.

Half dressing himself in a pair of red plaid pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt, he went in search of his wife.


Dosan walked quietly from their bedroom down the hallway, only to stop at the first door on the left. He pushed it open only slightly, not wanting to wake the occupant inside, he poked his head through the crack in the door and couldn't help but burst into an honest smile at what he saw the sight inside.

He pushed the door open fully now and paced impatiently to middle of the room where he was met with outreached arms and a beaming smile.

"Aigoo. How long have you been awake?" Dosan asked. It was more of a rhetorical question really as reached down into the crib and scooped his dribbled bundle up.

"Huh? Did you have a good sleep, adeul?" he asked, softening his tone immediately, now almost a reflex.

His little man merely yawned and characteristically clutched onto Dosan's shirt as he buried his head under Dosan's chin.

Dosan's heart clenched as he held his little boy to his chest, allowing his hand to run over his silky, dark head of hair before leaving a kiss atop of it in a gesture of affection. He knew no matter how many times he would do this, it would never get old. Nam Dosan, now a certified Daddy and he was smitten.

"I think someone is still half asleep..." Dosan noted as he hoisted Sungmin further up his body so he could carry him safely out of the room.

Sungmin held the tiny knitted bunny plushie Dosan personally made for him.

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