Chapter 54

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Cedric was talking to you as Fred was in your room as Cedric was helping you make food for you because you were hungry

"You hooked up with Fred!" Cedric says and you sigh

"Yes I did." You say and Cedric was shocked

"Why would you do that! You have me!" Cedric says and you sigh

"Yeah I know Cedric but it just happened I don't know how it did but it did I truly didn't mean for it to happen, like I didn't go over to his house to hook up with him it wasn't planned at all." You say and Cedric nodded as he obviously looked hurt and you didn't know what to do! This is why you didn't want Cedric to know because now you feel bad for doing it! When you shouldn't because you're a single woman who can do whatever she wants! You shouldn't feel bad right?

"I know you didn't I just..Don't like the fact you did it with HIM!" Cedric says and he was obviously trying to hide the fact he's jealous

'I truly don't know I am so not mentally stable to deal with a love triangle right now in my life, no thank you so I'm just gonna ignore both their feelings until I'm ready to deal with this' you think as you really hoped you could do that and not have anymore slip ups, like hooking up with Fred twice...... Cedric may only know of the one time right now but there was another time, yup outside against his house the second one was at least inside and in his bedroom 'Cedric would kill me if he found out I hooked up with Fred twice. Actually I think Cedric would die if he found that out, why did I have to slip up twice! Ok that's it no more hooking up I won't do it! The next person I hook up with will be my next boyfriend when I choose Fred or Cedric'

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