In Fremitu

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I wake up to a blank ceiling, and excruciating pain. I guess the burns left their mark.

Whatever, I need to get my armor fitted.

I sit up, slowly and painfully. My entire body burns.

I slowly try to stand before falling back onto my ass. "FUCK!"

I try to reach for my bedside table, pain shooting up my arm, shoulder, back, and neck.

I manage to grab the flask off the table, and slowly bring it to my trembling lips. I take a sip, to discover it was water.

fuck, where's my Iciquor?

I slowly look around my room, to see it's on the second floor, on a table.

Must've been Vekalia. She tries too hard.

I slowly begin my trek to my bottle, starting with getting off my bed.





(Yes it took that long.)


I finally reached my bottle. Took forever, or it felt like it.

I open it, the final hurdle. I lift it to my mouth... Sweet relief at last!

"ah~ so much better~"

I do a stretch, the pain fading. Time to go get my armor.

As I walk to the smithy to get my armor, I see everyone rushing to the hub lass. Whatever. Probably upset they didn't get to hunt her.

"Oi! Starlin!"

"I've come to get my armor fitted! Kulve Taroth, full set!"

"Actually, it's already been made! Vekalia got me the measurements for you."

"Oh, that's good! Wait, she got my measurements?"

"Yeah, I choose not to question her methods."

"Can I get the armor?"

"Sure, try it out."

I equip my new armor. Minus the helmet, I prefer my pair of Frost-fang hair-clips. (The same armor that's worn in the title.)

"This is a work of art... thanks!"

"Don't thank me yet, thank me after the hunt!"

"hunt? what hunt?"

"You haven't heard?"

I shake my head.

"Well, you remember Xeno'jiiva? He's back, and fully grown."

"Oh shit!"

"Yeah, he's big, red, and tough. Vekalia and a few others went on a expedition to his hideout, fought him for a bit. Under-geared, they left when he retreated to a lower area."

"Jeez, it's bad if she was under-geared. I suppose she'll need my help, right?"

"Prolly, lass. Hunters are linin' up, tryin'a get into her party."

"Alright, thanks! I'll pay you when I get back!"

"Sure! Just come back in better shape then last time!"

"Fuck off!"

I hear him chuckle as I leave to the hub lass.

"Hey, I heard Vekalia is posting a quest?"

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