Chapter 1

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Jack walked toward Elsa's house goofy grin on his face. Wildflowers in hand. 'Today is the day. I'm going to ask out the most beautiful woman in all of Wall.' You see, Jack is good-looking, and he had many admirers. But, he only had eyes for Elsa.

He ran to her house excited. When he got there, he started throwing small pebbles at her window.

Elsa was sitting on her bed giggling with her sister, Anna,and good friend, Alexandra. Her long bleached hair in a messy braid. They were talking about someone, the most wealthy and eligible bachelor in all of Wall, his name was Hans.

Then they heard the plink of pebbles. They all gasped, " Maybe it's Hans." Whispered Anna. Rushing to see who it was Elsa and her posse opened the window, "Hans?" She called. "N-no it's Jack." She rolled her eyes all the while forcing a smile. Jack took off his hat. " W-would you-" He started to say but was rudely interrupted by a cane hitting his wild flowers. He yelped nearly jumping out of his skin. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The voice called,Jack immediately knew who it was. Hans.

"Hans be nice. Leave the boy alone." Elsa said smirking. " What were you going to say Jack?" She asked returning to the scared, lovesick boy. "Nothing." He said, not wanting to cause any trouble he slunk away. Then as Hans turned around Jack grabbed a long staff on the ground, wielding it like a sword, little did he notice that a pale blue light had come from the staff. " Hans grinned, this pale, white haired male wanted to fight the best fencer in their school? Challenge accepted.

Hans advanced and then strike his stick. Jack yelped when it almost hit his hand. Then Hans thrust forward and pointed his cane at Jack's throat. Jack gulped, "Hans, leave him alone." Elsa sneered. "Goodnight Jack." Jack was dumbfounded she had dismissed him. "Goodnight Miss. Arendelle." He said picking up his cap, dusting it off and then he left, not realizing he had brought the staff along with him.

(A//N: I'm sorry if I offended anyone by making Elsa mean.. i just thought her personality fit the role of Victoria.... again I'm sorry.)

~ Ocean

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