While those guys were talking about something, 3 other thugs approached me. They are definitely high school students if you look at their uniforms. There were wild grins and faint indignation on their faces, as if they had just heard something unpleasant.

"Why are you sitting here girl?" One of them says.

"I want to and I'm sitting here. What do you care? I sit and feed the turtle until the bus arrives." I answered this jerk with sarcasm.

"How do you have the right to talk to me like that? I'm actually older than you!" He started yelling at me.

"If you are so brave and can take care of your elders, then try to show how strong you are." The moron snatched a turtle from my feet.

"Hey! Leave the turtle alone!" Another guy pushed me towards the pond, but I stayed on my feet and did not fall.

"You must learn to respect me girl. Otherwise you will get the same as the turtle now!" The moron threw the turtle into the post, which hurt badly.

"Bastard! How dare you throw and hurt a defenseless animal so shamelessly?" I held back my aggression, but my voice was very loud so that they could hear.

"Shut up! Better give all your money and food and then we will be left behind! And if you resist even more, then I will shave off your dumb spiral haircut!" This guy definitely wants to die. What did he say now?

My eyes darkened and my fists clenched. All I was thinking about was punching this guy and his friends. Hit hard until unconscious.

"Why are you keeping quiet girl? We didn't say clearly?"

"Hey bastard! How dare you insult my beautiful hair?!" I was about to punch this jerk in the face and his friends when instead of my fist another fist hit his face.

Turning back, a strange woman stood behind. She looked purple with a more colorful pompadour similar to mine and had her hair down in the back. Various golden patterns such as flowers and stars were visible on the body. On the hands are white gloves holding gold bracelets on the wrists. The legs were in white long leggings, and the thighs were covered with white shorts with a hanging semi-transparent fabric on the sides. The woman's hair was black and her eyes were blue. There were also golden shadows around her eyes.

What is she? And how could she punch that asshole in the face before me?

"What happened now? Didn't I have time to see her hit?" This is the guy I wanted to hit. I was still mad at him for insulting my hair.

The woman behind me started beating those guys harder. As soon as she finished, going up to those assholes, I grabbed the one who threw the turtle into the post.

"I won't let anyone insult my hair! Who are you pretending to be to say that about my hair?!" Throwing the idiot aside, I went up to the turtle and taking it in my hands, the purple woman touched the split part of the shell and a liquid piece of gold appeared in that place. This piece repaired the shattered part of the shell.

"What? How did you do it?" The woman did not answer me.

Those guys grabbed the bags from the ground and ran scared of what had just happened.

"So what are you? How did you smack those guys so quickly? And how did you rebuild the tortoise shell with some lump of liquid gold? What's going on?" How many questions I have now.

While I was thinking about all this, the very three guys who were standing on the other side of the road came up to me.

"Is this a stand? Woman, do you have a stand?" Says the tall man in white.

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