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It was a normal day.Lexie Grey was stress eating at the nurses station with m&ms she'd been on shift for the last twenty eight hours.

The only thing stopping her from breaking down and her heart from being in pain was the surgar and the constant movement of her jaw.

She was also in Dr Derek Shepards service.He was like a brother to her but he or Meredith who she loved dearly didn't know what happened ten years to this day.

She should be eating in the cantine for lunch and catching up with her friends but instead agrressivly chewed her m&ms.

As she ate she started to walk around the hosipital and bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

Mark:I'm so sorry Dr Grey.

He helped her up and she said:It's my fault i wasn't looking.It's okay.

Mark:You're not hurt?

Lexie:No i'm not.Her pager went off and she mumbled words and ran off.

Mark watched her unbeknowest to him his  daughter and son saw the fireworks when there fathers eyes met Dr Greys eyes.

This has been there living hell for three years.

They were with there father today because they had the day off school also they'd basically grown up here they went to there fathers office instead to hangout.

Amy:You saw that.

William:Yes i did i have for the last three years.

Amy:She likes him i know it.

William:Everyone but them know it.

Amy:I know dad loved mom but...

William:He loves Dr Grey.

Amy:Yeah.You saw her blush more than the blood in the blood bags and not to mention what was going on below the waist on dads body.

William:Atleast i'm not the only one to notice that.

Lexie finally made it to where she was needed it was at MRI machines viewing room.

Mark had finished a four surgery and went to office after the post op and paperwork.

He entered and said:Amy,Will you too enjoy it so far?

Amy:Come on dad we've been couped in your office for the last four and half hours how long is there till your shift ends?

Mark:Three and a half.Your brothers asleep?

Amy:Yeah.Listen tonight me and William want to have a talk with you okay.

Mark:Are you in trouble?Is it me?

Amy:No ones in trouble come on dad Will and i have the same friends plus i keep him in line his body count is lower than three.

Mark:I don't want to know that okay.Were going to Merediths and Dereks home tonight actually can we leave it for tommorrow?

Amy:Sure Dad.

He left the room and she through the pillow her brother was cuddling with on his head and said:Tonights an interragattion.

William who was actually awake for the whole conversation said:But Dr Grey will be at Aunt Merediths and Uncle Dereks home.

Amy:She'll be with Zola for most the night and will end falling asleep before nine i gurantee it.

William:Fine,but let's go over our lines again.Shall we loop them in.

Amy:Yeah ofcourse.


Baby Zola was in her high chair they were still in the process of adopting her she was so cute.

Amy was right Lexie ended up taking Zola to bed and then crying herself sightly to sleep with a picture frame close to her chest.

It was nine thirty and Amy started:So dad,can i hear about moms last words because me and Will are working on a essay together for our english class about true love and that it never dies.

Mark:They were to find someone who could make me feel invisable and to move on again.

Derek:Those were Crystals last words?Addison never said those.

Mark:I told Addi to lie.


Will:So dad i need advice from you there's this girl who's mother passed away whilst giving birth to her brother who's only a year younger than her but her fathers in love with one of his colleuges and he and his colleuge are totally blind to it.What advice should i give to her?

Mark knew what they were doing he was the girls father instead of fifteen years it's been sixteen years.He's also the blindly in love

He quickly got up and said:I need to use the toliet.Quickly he walked up the stairs.

Amy:He figured it out.

Meredith:Atleast you tried.

Derek:Can i remind you?Who's bedroom is right next to the bathroom.

Will:Dr Greys.

Derek:Bingo.He said sipping his wine and said:You guys should sleep in the guest room tonight you're schools only twenty minutes away from here.

Will and Amy:Okay.

He was right.

As he walked past the bathroom he heard sniffling from Lexies room.The door was open slightly and he entered it.

She wasn't awake but somehow sniffling in her sleep.He moved her hair from the side of her face and moved it behide her ear rubbed her cheek it was tear stained and he said:What wrong little grey?

He saw a picture frame on the bed beside her and picked it up.It was a picture of a boy and her which was dated ten years ago to the day.

At the bottom in cursive handwriting there was a tiny five lined paragraph that said:I will always love you.I'm sorry Princess
Don't blame yourself my father wouldn't have changed his mind and there isn't a world where i could exist without you and but i know you'll find someone someday and i know he'll be your eternal lover for life.I'll look after our daughter whilst your down there.

Mark had tears running down his cheeks also.He kissed her cheek and put the frame back beside her and said:I love you Little Grey.One day i hope i'll be able to say it to your face when you're awake.

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