lost friendship

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our hands were once intertwined,

a silent oath of loyalty and promise;

our copper hearts were once aligned,

molding and melting into the gold

of pure friendship—

but all this slipped through my fingers,

our friendship falling through like sand

through an hourglass,

and I needed more time,

I needed to set something right,

but tears can't change time

and no matter how much 

I want to wrench back the clock,

to hear your laugh 

or see the stars behind your eyes

one last time—

I know I can't.

I know our gold isn't 

rusted or broken or cracked—

it's just lost,

it's just gone.

I don't know how to

fix that.

AHHHHH first poem requested by Taureanme about 'lost friendship' (thank you so much for sending in a request!!!!! If you want me to change or add anything just let me know:)

It's not a perfect poem, I know. It may have cliches, I know. BUT I TRIED Y'ALL!

I really hope I didn't screw this up. I've experienced lost friendship so many times (some harder than others) but I've never experienced it in YOUR shoes, so I may be completely off. I'm so sorry if this didn't resonate with you! If it did resonate with you—then imagine me having a dance party, because that's how happy I would be. No kidding.

If anyone has a request, MESSAGE ME! Please, I love doing this!



(also thank you again @Taureanme for sending in a request. I also said I didn't know how long it would take me to write a poem but I was just too excited. I had to write one right away lol)

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