Chapter 1

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Hetty was perfectly normal. Well so everyone thinks. And no the not-normal thing about her wasn't her sexuality because being a lesbian is perfectly normal thank you very much. Nor was it her distain for how society sees and treats others based on things out of their control, no that's perfectly normal in this day and age. No the not normal aspect to Hetty that no one knew was her ability to pull others into her dreams so they could experience them with her. She didn't even know she could do this. It's not something you pay attention to. It's not like she sat around in class and noticed 'oh hey look, that cute girl I'm crushing on is paying more attention to me after I had a dream about her, huh that's odd' honestly you'd think you're imagining the attention. Especially if you're queer.

Things were always not quite adding up with Hetty and her dreams. She'd have a dream about a guy liking her and the next day he'd try and flirt with her. See her special ability also came with cryptic warnings for the future. Which is why, on one especially hellish day, Hetty was not expecting the hope that came from her dream. It made sense in her mind after about lunch that her lovely hope filled dream from the night before was nothing but a bag of lies. After all what could an angelic person arriving do to fix the hell scape of a day she was having.

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Hetty awoke with a start. Not something out of the usual with her though. But it was her dream that confused her. She'd been surrounded by viscous hell dogs. All barking and laughing. She was aware that didn't make sense. Dogs did not laugh like humans but maybe hell dogs did. No that's absurd. The pain went on twelve and a half minutes, well dream time at least. She'd been facing a stop watch that shatter immediately when it showed 12:30:00. Exactly when that happened the hell beasts disappeared and what had been a grey gloomy sky was replaced by a bright cheerful summer looking landscape. An angelic glowing figure came down from the sky. "I will help you Hetty. An angel in their own right shall be sent your way. Your guide will lead you through the world that you have yet to realise you are a part of. When the clock strikes the Miller will arrive" and then she woke up.

An odd dream to say the least. She didn't think anything odd was up when she realised the sky was beautiful and clear, if the dream really was about her future day it wouldn't be so literal. Besides it could just have easily have been a random dream. Just in case she made a mental note of Miller.

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Her first bitch encounter came in the form of Rachel. The worst girl in the entire school. She had a superiority complex and was incredible hateful to minorities. Hetty wasn't going to scared into silence about her sexuality. Nor was she in any kind of mood to deal with Rachel's antics today. However she didn't have much choice. As Hetty was walking into the school Rachel decided it would be fun to try and trip her. When she didn't manage to she instead got her latest dumbass boyfriend to throw mud at her. Hetty wasn't one to carry a spare shirt around, after all in a uniform what was the need. She had not foreseen being splatter in mud and being forced to wear a spare kit t-shirt for the entire day while the school washed and dried her shirt.

She concluded hell dogs meant bitches laughing at her and bullying her. Which wasn't much out of the ordinary but clearly it wasn't just a shirt this time. 

Her next hell beast encounter was at the end of form when a particularly nasty year nine decided he had the right to taunt a year seven about her gender. Hetty being a mother hen to every member of the lgbtq+ community and year sevens meant she had to intervene. "Sorry, Max was it? Yeah you don't get a right to insult trans girls in a society that already shuns their existence. You also have no right to know what their transition entails. You are not their partner or their doctor," she said. However this lead to a debate where she was centre of attention and several students younger than her threw slurs at her. Now she was used to be called a faggot. But when several people are all saying it to you and laughing you wonder why the hell life was like this.

As the day went by she became more and more deflated. Forgetting certain aspects of her dream. By the time lunch rolled around at 12:15 she had no idea what the importance of the stopwatch was and had lost all hope of an angel coming and saving her. Without a time stamp what was the importance of a clock striking? 

People had taunted her for her spare kit shirt, for her hair which Rachel's little sister in year seven had managed to mess up, for her sexuality and for her presentation in her society and ethics class. She'd had her usual mockery and overheard some nasty comments but the extra weight on top really took it out if her. She was in a living hell.

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As the clock hit 12:30 a new girl came into the refectory. Not everyone sat in the refectory for lunch but those that did all turned towards the head teacher and the new girl.  She was directed towards Hetty to take a seat and Hetty assumed the worst. She was usually sat alone and only sat in there just to eat then she would go to the library. Usually the new kids forced to sit with her disappeared off to sit with Rachel and her little group. The head teacher gave a short speech telling the students to be kind to the new pupil and left.

Hetty had to admit this new girl was gorgeous. She didn't even get a chance to say hi before Rachel was already stood in front of them at the table. "Hi! I'm Rachel, you really don't want to be sat next to her. Wouldn't trust her around women if you know what I mean. How about you join my table, I'm sure Jamie won't mind me sitting in his lap for the rest of lunch!" She said in a sickly voice. "Oh how kind of you, but you see you wouldn't trust me around women if you know what I mean. Besides I'm perfectly happy sat here with Hetty. Your table looks a little crowded anyway," the new girl said in a similar fake sickly sweet voice. Rachel glared at her and walked away. Hetty's angel had arrived.

"My name's Angel by the way, Angel Miller, I'm here to help," She said. Hetty's smile faltered. It couldn't be that literal. An angel in their own right, the Miller will arrive. Well here she was, Angel Miller. She'd arrived right as the clock striked. 

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