Date with Jason

767 14 0

March 16th

Laura - Sorry. A lot is happening.

Jason - That's ok. You were saying you moved out? I thought you just moved in?

Laura - I did but my mother is a bitch.

Jason - Makes sense. So this means we can cuddle for a week. I mean knowing what happened I'm sure you're suspended. Right?

Laura - Yeah. A month.

Jason - Can your mother do that?

Laura - She is the principal but I also think she made it personal. Oh well. I don't even need school. She's just wasting her money.

Jason - Why don't you need school?

Laura - I trust you, ok... I have a power, I can see when people die, so something to help save people. Like an officer.

Jason's eyes are wide open.

Jason - When do I die?

Laura - 45 years 5 months, depression, home?

Jason - Wow, What about you?

Laura - Oh, like 35 years, hit by car, on the spot.

Jason - Oh jeez. So you know the years, months, days, what the cause is and where. That's cool.

Laura - Yeah, but it changes, depends on what you do. I mean when I first met you it was basically tomorrow. But you're all good.

Jason - Wow. You're pretty cool.

Laura - You're pretty cute.

Jason blushes. I rest my head on his shoulder.

Jason - Fuck.. Sorry. The boys are coming, you can stay but they get kinda crazy and loud.

Laura - Oh, I don't mind staying.

He puts his arm around me and I smile. My mother walks in. I'm hiding.

Mother - Has my daughter come in.

Pop looks at Jason who is shaking his head no.

Pop - No ma'am, she has not. But if I see her I'll let her know you passed by.

Mother - Don't bother. She's in big trouble when she comes home.

She storms off. Jason says the clear. Pop walks over.

Pop - I know it's not my business but why are you hiding from your mother?

Laura - She doesn't want me with Jason, because of our act today. She doesn't understand.

Pop - Makes sense. Be careful you two.

Laura - We will.

Pop walks back to the kitchen and I sit properly.

Laura - Thank you for covering for me.

Jason - Of course. I love you.... Oh.... ah....

Laura - Jason.

I move his face to look at me.

Laura - I love you too.

Jason - How do you know you love me?

Laura - The same way you know you love me. You drive me crazy. In a good way.

He smiles, like his life just became whole again. He kisses my cheek and we hear cheering from boys. I blush. The boys walk over and bro shake Jason and shake my hand normally.

Reggie - Dude, we proud you moved on from Polly like a pro.

Jason - Yeah... We weren't working out.

I just mind my business.

Boy 1 - So Laura. What are you planning on doing with our boy Jason?

Laura - Why do you want to know? To rub in the fact you're single? Or to teach you how to get a girl?

Everyone ooo's and laughs.

Boy 2 - Didn't answer the question.

Laura - Ok. I plan on being the best girlfriend ever, to the point where other guys would want me, but I'm too damn loyal. Now, if you excuse me, I have a house to move into. Bye Jason.

I give him a kiss and grab my bag and leave. Before I walk out I hear.

Boy 1 - Are you gonna add her to the book, she's definitely worth 20 points

Boy 2 - Speaking of, where is that damn book, I can't find it.

Jason - I threw it out and burned it. No more.

I walk out. Jason runs after me.

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