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As a kid growing up in late 19's there was never any short amount of video games. I loved each any everyone I played. But every time I started playing one I would get to easily bored, this would happen maybe 1 or 2 hours into a game. This was a big problem of mine and my dad, always said if you don't finish that game you won't be getting another one. So that's why I always finished every single game I had no matter how boring it would be.

I will never forget the year 1999 however for my love of games ruined me.

I was playing my Pokemon gold and silver I recent got for my birthday, it was one of my favourite games however I got bored really quickly this time however. In only 30 minutes or so. I asked my dad if we had any games I might not have played yet, he said he had lots of games when he was my age (I was 13 at the time) it was Christmas coming up so I would get games for my birthday and Christmas because how close they were!

The told me I could play one of his old games which wasn't a bad thing but I didn't like old games at the time and thought they were to slow and all the graphics were weird. However I was bored and there was nothing better to do so I went to the attic where he keeps them all in there. My biggest mistake of my life was doing that.

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