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Azihlanze came to pick us up at the house. We were dressed and ready for the occasion. We went to purchase the reptile tank for Seema. It had that jungle theme and Seema was really happy about it. I was dressed in a white blouse, skinny jeans and white sneakers. While Ellen was wearing a white lace bralette, belted linen-blend shirts and linen blend blazer with Miss Black silver glitter bublia high heel sandals.

We got to the club and some buffy man ushered us to a less crowded place and where the music wasn’t so loud. We sat down and ordered a few drinks. Well I had only drank Savannah and Hunter’s Dry back home but I wanted to try something new. So when Ellen ordered Red Square, I opted for Brutal Fruit.

Azee: “a few of my friends are going to join us, so don’t panic Zelo. But if you feel uncomfortable, even for a second, please let me know.” I nodded.
Ellen: “I just wanna say that have fun and feel free. You can even go dance in the general section dance floor. Like feel at home.” Both Azee and I laughed. “Okay, not really at home, but you know what I mean.”
Me: “yes I do boss.” She smiled.

A few minutes later we were joined by Azee’s friends. They introduced themselves as Mehluko, Masiko and Kwenzakonke. Masiko was with his girlfriend Lunathi. Mehluko sat next to me and kept making jokes, keeping everyone entertained. The drinks arrived and we all started drinking and chatting. We just kept the conversation flowing.

Kwenza: “so what do you want to study?” he asked looking at me. I smiled.
Me: “I want to study zoology and want to major in herpetology which is a study of snakes.” My gift was the one that influenced my decision.

Mehluko: “are you really a black person?” we all laughed.
Me: “I am fascinated by them. I know most people would say I am a witch or something. But everyone has a passion and herpetology is my passion.”
Lunathi: “let’s stop talking about them because I have a phobia of snakes.”

We all laughed and continued chatting about different things. We later on danced, well I don’t have two left feet but I knew how to do a few dance moves. A few other ladies joined us and they were Ellen’s friends. She introduced them as Chloe, Jess and Phezana. We went back to the table and the guys had ordered platters. We ate and continued drinking. Mehluko asked to speak to me privately, so we went outside. We went there.

Mehluko: “I like you. You’re beautiful and unique.” I smiled.
Me: “thank you.”
Mehluko: “I am going to be frank with you. I love sex very much. And I want to have that with you. I am not looking for a relationship. Just friends with benefits.” I laughed.

Me: “so you want an entanglement of some sort?” he chuckled.
Mehluko: “something like that.” he shrugged.

Me: “I love your honesty. Some guys would’ve lied to me and told me that they loved me. You just went straight for the kill. But I have to think about it.” He smiled.
Mehluko: “okay. In the meantime, we can exchange numbers.”

We exchanged numbers and we went back inside. The friends of friends were mingling and looking cozy. Azee and Ellen were kissing and touching each other. You’d swear they were in their bedroom. I just chuckled and sat down. Mehluko sat next to me. We drank and talked about a lot of things. I told him about my life back home and he sympathized with me.

He told me about himself. He was a music producer who worked at Blue Diamond Music. That was Azee’s record label so I guess they spent most of their time together, doing music and just chilling as friends. He also was 30 years old and had a 9 year old daughter named Lunzulu. He told me that her mother passed on when she was 3 years old. I guess he never healed because that was the last time he was in a relationship.

We left the club at 4 am. We went home and when we got there I went straight to my room. I undressed and showered. After that I wore my nightie. It was already the morning. I cleaned the whole house and cooked breakfast. I was one of those people who gets active after a night out. After that, I cooked breakfast and went to wake up Bel. I bathed her and dressed her up.

I then fed her and went to place her in the playroom. I wrote a note to Ellen and placed it on the fridge that Bel is okay and is in the playroom. I then went to sleep. Alcohol shouldn’t affect work. If I allowed drowsiness and drunkenness to interfere with my job, then it would’ve been a problem. I love Azee and Ellen but I don’t wanna take advantage of their kindness.

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