"No need to say anything let's go" Sandee feels uninterested in the reason. Phai followed behind him as Sandee moved his leg forward.


"?" The entire group is looking right at Phai who is busy tapping his phone. Kit called Phai again but his younger brother ignored him; he was irritated that his brother was not paying attention, so he walked over and take a peek at his brother's cellphone. Phai suddenly feels a burning sensation from behind.


"Wh....P!" Phai ranted and immediately grab his phone back.

Kit scolded his brother. "Tell me who you're texting?! I've been calling you!"

Except for Thanu, who looked down at his book but kept the ears active, the other boys sits silently watching them.

"Nothing...It's just a friend P!"

"You! Tell me the truth!"

"G..P...I'm telling the truth"

"You're lying I could see how you smile like this and that..like an idiot!"

"You're overthinking P.."


Phai stood from his seat and walked away from the group. Kit raised his hands to his waist and looked in the direction of Phai. His brother is suspicious, his eyes squinted as if he's looking for something.


"Phai can I have a request?" After class Phai was called by Sandee to met him in the ComSci library.

"Um..sure as long as it is not about money" Sandee softly laughed at Phai.

"It's not about money, I need you to temporary change me at the Cafe, Mr. needs other staff to help the newly hired staff"

"Aw..why suddenly?"

"We have to do something important in our group and it will take for 2 weeks so I need someone to temporary replace me there" Phai and his friends knew that Sandee came from a wealthy family, but the boy didn't want to be completely reliant on them, which is why he got the job after their internship.

"Aw....Mm..I'll think about it first," though his schedule for that days are not hectic.

"Just for the time being, I need now your answer please...I will do anything as long as you agree," Sandee pleaded to Phai.

"Oh..Mm..Ok..but! It should only last two weeks!" Phai pointed his index finger to Sandee's front face. The other smiled and nodded vigorously.

"Yes! You're so kind to me! Come I want to kiss you " Sandee moves close to Phai with his mouth pouting to give a kiss.

"Oi! Stop it! You're giving me goosebumps!" Phai extended his hand to push the face that was facing him straight in his direction.

Phai was introduced to the new staff on his first day on the job. Both exchanged their line and often the new staff keeps texting him. Several days he had been busy and little by little his attention towards Thanu gradually reflected by being busy in the cafe.

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