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"Operation's done."

You declared, putting the used scalpel back on its respective place with a hint of blood on it. Taking the gloves off, you mentioned the other nurses to take care of the patient and deliver him back to his room. He survived, of course. Well, you're the greatest surgeon in the place. For others, you're the real deal.

"Time check: 8:37 in the morning. Duration of operation: One hour and thirty-seven minutes."


You took a deep breath as you watched Gabi took down the notes―the details of the operation―inside her small notebook. She's your assistant doctor at the moment, like the ones doing their OJTs, and she's very thankful that you accepted to handle her. It'll still take her years to become a fully-fledged surgeon, but you can see in her eyes that Gabi's really dedicated to this line of job. 

When you asked her why she wanted to be one, she said this;

"Sasha was killed by a gun, she was a very good friend. I badly wanted to save her that time, but I was just a kid. So, in her wake, I promised her that when I grow up, I'll save people's lives too since I failed to save hers."

It left you speechless.

Especially when a tear escaped her eye without her noticing.

Gabi will become a great surgeon someday.

"Doc, you still have another operation at ten, and―"

"Gabi," You handed her a cup of noodles. "Eat your breakfast."

"B-But I'm doing okay, Doc! Don't worry―"

You clicked your tongue before looking at her, expressionless. You can't understand why kids these days are so stubborn, ignoring the fact that they should take care of their bodies. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

"Take this or I won't let you go with me on my next―"


She took the food in a blink of an eye and started sipping the soup as if she hadn't eaten in ages. Adorable, you thought. But she momentarily stopped eating when her phone rang―it's probably an emergency. Gabi looked at you with eyes asking for permission as you nodded before she left temporarily left the room.

"I still have to check Mr. Ackerman on Room 34 at 9:15, Mr. Erwin on Room 40 at 9―"


You looked up, immediately closing the schedule book you have when Gabi returned to your office, panting. Well, she's always energetic. What else can you expect, right?

"W-What is it?"

"Dra. Hange won't be able to join you on the 10 am. operation. She told me she has to attend an emergency at the other hospital nearby."

Rolling your eyes automatically, you grunted. Tsk, that Hange!

"So, I'll be handling the operation alone?"

That won't be a problem, you're used to soloing operations, but you're not confident with yourself now. You're still lacking sleep, and you're admitting that you're taking back the words you said earlier―that you can handle two operations without passing out due to fatigue. Will you drink another coffee? Another cup and you'll probably palpitate. You might not see the next morning and might die earlier than the patient you're going to operate on.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑 * ˚ ✦ 𝑨. 𝑨𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑵Where stories live. Discover now