Chapter 2: Meeting Lapis

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-Time Skip-
(You go to the barn with Steven on Lion, who you're still getting used to.)

"We're here!" Steven laughs as I dizzily climb off of lion. We walk up to the barn, which is closed, but I can hear something playing on a TV inside.
Steven knocks, then a short, green, triangle shaped gem opens the barn door. I stare at my feet and can feel the tiny gem looking me up and down as if she's debating whether I'm an axe murderer or not. She nods her head as if she's come to a conclusion and steps out of the doorway, revealing a messy, but cozy barn space. It has clutter and random objects scattered everywhere. And on a small, orange couch, I see a blue gem sitting, staring at a TV. 
Steven sighs and remarks, "That's the 113th time that they've rewatched Camp Pining Hearts...I made a grave mistake."
"By the way, this is Peridot," he gestures to the small green one, "and this is Lapis." He waves over at the blue one.
I force out a laugh and can start to feel my hands getting clammy. We step further into the barn and I can see the blue gem clearer. At first, it didn't register. But as I looked at her more, I could feel my heart beginning to pound.
Uh oh
In a desperate effort to change my thoughts, I blurt out, "Hey, uh...what are those toilets for?"
Peridot has a smug look on her face as she proudly explains the purpose of her toilets.
"These represent the time I lived in Steven's bathroom!"
She puts her hands on her hips and motions for Lapis to come down. Lapis flies down with her water wings, which, normally I would pass out by, but at this point I was used to things getting weird. She lands gracefully on the floor and I find myself staring at her face. She has tired eyes, and looks back at me with a blank expression. I quickly look away, and she turns to Steven and asks, "Steven, who's this?"
"This is (Y/N)!"
"Hi, nice to meet you!" I say as enthusiastically as possible. Steven explains everything about how I just moved here.
Lapis blankly stares at me with a bored expression and responds with "Yeah...OK."
She leans over to Steven and whispers, "Y/N's a human, right?"
I feel flustered and embarrassed as I flatten down my H/L H/C hair.
I'm about to walk out of the barn just as Lapis says, "Hey, Y/N, welcome to Beach City. You're gonna love hangin' out with these weirdos." She laughs very slightly, although she still looks bored, but I'm gonna aszume thats just her resting face. She smiles with her mouth only and flies back up to her orange sofa.
I stand there, dumbfounded, my face red amd sweaty, as I try to hide a grin
As Steven and I walk out of the barn, I can see his eyebrows moving up and down and he speaks in a singsong voice, "Lapis and Y/N sittin' in a tr-"
"SHUT UP!!" I whisper-yell.
We laugh and hop back on Lion and head back home.
-To Be Continued in Part 3-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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