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"Perfect!" smirked Star, looking down at the crystal around her neck.

I grinned as I played with the one around mine.

"It's better than nothing, I guess." I shrugged Star playfully pushed me and giggled.

"Right, you're getting back to your old self, and I couldn't be happier." she grinned, playing with the crystal more.

It was the next morning, and although we had been successful on creating these protection crystals, our fight wasn't over.

I, personally, couldn't shake this numb feeling since mine and Draco's fight yesterday.

I had been wrestling with myself since, I couldn't allow his actions determine my future.

I couldn't.

That's not who I am.

"Alert! Alert! Alert!" chimed Star, through my emotional cloud.

I blinked myself into the reality and saw Haven and Pansy drop down across the table from us.  

"Uh, can we help you?" I smirked, placing my elbows on the edge of the table.

"We just wanted those." smirked Pansy, pointing at Star's necklace.

"Why?" snarled Star, grasping her crystal in her hand.

I looked between the two, it wasn't often those two got into it.

We bickered, a lot, and even more so since this whole Draco, Haven and I triangle formed, but I couldn't help, but look over at Haven.

She wasn't speaking.

She was barley making eye contact with me.

That's when I noticed her black eye, swollen nose and bruised jaw. 

I couldn't help, but beam with pride at my work - only to feel a rush of rage when her eyes looked over Star's head towards the entrance of the Great Hall and in walked the man himself, Draco.

I frowned as I watched him move towards our area and kiss Haven on the head, only to follow Blaise to another side of the table.

I silently exhaled in relief. 

He wasn't sitting with us.

I groaned out loud at Star and Pansy getting loud.

Pansy wanted the crystal, badly.

I rose an eyebrow at her, then looked at Haven and something clicked.

I grabbed Star's thigh, as unobvious as I could manage, and with a glance at me, Star clamed down.

"Why these?" I asked, playing with mine, locking eyes with Haven. "There are plenty of these in Hogsmeade."

"Yeah, but the next trip isn't until two months from now." smirked Pansy, glaring from Star to me. 

"Which isn't going to happen anyway." smiled Haven, as Pansy shot her a small grin. "We all know that..."

I didn't even blink at this point.

Haven looked as if she had a lot to say, wanted to do something, but she remained still.

"You know what?" I grinned, waving Star's ramped up ramblings and catching both Pansy and Haven's attention. I rose to my feet and leaned over the table so that my crystal was just within reach of both of them. "You can have these,"

Pansy's face softened as Haven grinned and reached for it, only for me grasp it in my own hand right before she could touch it.

"when you pry it off my cold, dead body!" I smirked, leaning further into Haven's face, only for her to squint at me, in anger, and I grinned at her absent of action. "What's the matter, does Drakie tell you what you can and can't do now?"

"Baie..." Star attempted to pull me away from her, but I wasn't moving. 

Our eyes were locked. 

I wasn't backing down.

"Listen," whispered Haven, rising to her feet and leaning across the table to get closer to me. "Drakie doesn't control me," her eyes dropped down to my crystal. "believe me, I have completely control."

I glared at her as she continued.

"Just as him about the other night." Haven stated, beginning to play with my hair. "Or the night you two had your first date?"

I made an effort to slap her, but Star caught my hand and pulled me completely away from the table.

"She's doing it to get a rise out of you." She stated, struggling to pull me out of the Great Hall.

"I know, and I want that high - " I smirked, being very impressed with Star's sudden strength. "- she deserves everything that's coming to her!" My eyes shot up to Haven's satisfied face. "You hear me you bitch, you're mine!"

Her face dropped, to a worried one as I pulled out of view.

"Stop!" barked Star, shoving me against the wall. "If we're going to survive this, you need to calm down -"

"- I just have so much anger that I don't know what to do with Star." I admitted, feeling the adrenaline wearing off. 

"I get it, but save it for the battle." Star winked, as she looked over my shoulder. "Literally they're barley worth it. Now, let's go." 

We spent the rest of the day trying to avoid conflict with Haven and Pansy. 

They were up to something.

I had a feeling they knew exactly what kind of crystals these were, why else would they want them so badly?

I sat there, starring down at the tip of my quill as our class slowly trudged forward.

Muggle Studies.

We were divided up into the groups and working on something that most people were done with. What we were doing? I couldn't tell you.

My mind was else where.

I yawned a little and looked up from the sharp edge, only to catch Draco's eye.

My heart fluttered as his eyes locked onto mine.

He had Haven on his lap, sucking on his neck, and flipping her hair to get a better "grip" I guess?

I frowned at the sight, but noticed Draco's eyes weren't breaking our connection.

He didn't seem moved at all.

I'll be honest, this is about the sixth time since Breakfast that I had caught him starring at me, through Haven's smothering personality. 

I attempted to pull my mind back to the my new mindset.

It wasn't working.

I attempted to pull my eyes away from his.

It wasn't working.

"Ugh." I growled, catching Star and Hermione's attention.

"Malfoy troubles?" asked Hermione as I shot her a glare.

"Stop looking over there, then." smirked Star.

I opened my mouth to say something, and glanced over back in his direction to see he had disappeared and Haven was now sitting in his seat.

"Look, I can't do this..." I shook my head, rising to my feet and gather my things. "...cover for me?" Star nodded slowly. "I got to take a day."

I felt completely defeated.

Why did I seem strong when it came to pretty much anything, but Draco?

I found my feet carrying me to my dorm and as I shut the door behind me. I slammed my back against the door and hung my head at my weakness.

I froze when I heard a shift in front me.

I looked up only to catch Draco's face approaching mine.

Our lips collided and the heat rose immediately. 

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