Sollux hugs him as Mituna hugs back and leaves as Sollux tears up again and looks at my picture and says

" ii wiish you where here mom.."

*im here my baby*

Sollux exits the changing room and head to the chapel doors he stand there as he takes a deep breath and opens the door as everybody was getting ready was getting nervous I shake my head and chuckled as I float over to him and whisper

"Relax sweetheart"

He stops as he eased an eyebrow and looks around as one of his friend named Karkat come up to him and says


"Alway2 been a22hat"


"Thank2 kk.."

"ReLaX bRo YoU lIkE yOuRe AbOuT tO ExPlOdE"

"Really yea maybe I 2hould relax"

Than I whisper again to his ear

" I'm proud of you sweetheart."

Sollux turns around and smiles as he looks up and mouths the words ' thank you mom' I nod as the signless come in and talks to Sollux


"Ye2 II am"

Eridans pov:

*I can't believe it I can't fucking believe that am getting married to the love of my life* I thought as I put on my violet bow tie as cry is came up on me as he pat me on the back and smiled at me and said

" I'm vvery proud of ya little bro"

" thanks cro wwheres dad?"

"Right here son"

I turned around and I see my dad In a fancy suit as he smiles and grabs my shoulder and said

" I rely hope he makes you happy son.."

I looked at him and hugged him as he hugs back and says

" (y/n) would of been so happy for you"

"I knoww dad..I knoww"

He broke the hug then grabs me by the shoulder as he tries not to cry

"Wwell I'll be that the chapel wwaiting for you okay my son?"

"Okay dad"

"Come one crunos"

"Coming dad...I lowve you lil bro"

They walk out of the restroom as I take deep breath as the bells ring I smiled and walked out of the restroom and head to the chapel doors I looked at them as I felt my hands shake I shake them off and slowly pushed the doors open as everybody looked at me I felt my face getting hot as I shook it off and looked at Sollux he looked beautiful I chuckled as I walked down to Sollux he reaches out for me as I looked at his hand and reached my hand to him as I already wanted to cry I take a deep breath and then stood Infront of Sollux as the signless was talking my eyes where on Sollux as Sollux was fixing his tie then signless cleared his throat as he said it again

"Eridan y9ure v9ws?"


I reach down my pocket the ring I grab it and pulled it out and grab Sollux hand as I said my vows

" I Eridan Ampora wwill take care of Sollux wwhenever he's down or sad or sick or mad or anything and promise to lovve him until the end of..time"

I said as a tear fell down my cheek as Sollux gets out a ring and grabs my hand as he says

" II..uh 2ollux captor wiill alway2 bee on your 2iide and II promii2e to never leave your 2iide and to be there to dry your tear2..and hold your hand untiil day iill 2top loviing you"

Sollux tears came down as he puts the ring on my finger as I cry as well and wiped them away as Sollux looks at me and tears up again and smiles

" I pr9n9unce y9u two husbands you may now kiss"

Sollux pulls me closer to him as we touch noses and kissed as everybody clapped for us I brake the kiss and held his hand as Sollux wipes his tears.

Sollux pov:

*Finally diid iit mom II mad my liife goal*

I wipe my tears away as Mituna patted me on the back then KARKAT winking at me and feferi clapping as Nepeta jumping up and down clapping her little hands then I hear a familiar voice in my head witch made cry harder

*my little grub*


Well that's the end guys thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it again thank you for reading this book and I love you all

Well until next time byes

~Homestucklover <3

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