Chapter Four ; A very strong Dislike

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Sorry sorry for not updating, I'm being over worked in school, and I might be going to a mental rehab, If I do ill miss you guys <3

Here they go again. Making out. Its fucking unless, I mean fuck they are amazing kissers. They both loved the way the other tasted. Everything. The heat between them.

I'm too lazy to continue this part so skip lololz.

Daishou got off of kuroo's lap and flopped onto his bed. Tetsurou was tired, instead of doing their usual schedule, Tetsurou went to sleep on Suguru's bed.

Oi idiot, get out out.❞ Suguru let out tch while he shook him for a moment before realizing he was already knocked out. Suguru  ran his hands through Tetsurou's messy hair.  'Fuck tetsu-chan. You bitch, What the hell are you doing to me?'  He was already a rosy pink, but when Tetsurou turned over with his eyes open and a snide smile on his face. Suguru pulled his hand away in disgust.

YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP.❞ He said with a hiss, His face now a crimson red. Daishou turned his face away from kuroo and  took the cover from him. Kuroo put his chin on his hands and let out a laugh.

Oh come Suguru~ You are gay for me❞ Kuroo teased him while getting his stuff, However he couldn't find his jacket (Yes I am going with the "I left my jacket at your house" troupe. Mind your business.) Daishou flicked him off and Kuroo laughed.

repeat. Every time kuroo came over this would happen. Something about this didn't sit right with daishou.

Suguru grabbed the pillow Kuroo was laying on. held it close time to his chest. 'Fucking kuroo.' Thats when his phone dinged.


Daishou already knew who messaged him. He always did. Every time.

    Kuroo's pov for the first time in this whole fic.

  Kuroo opened his door and threw his stuff down onto his desk chair. He immediately headed for his bed and shoved his face into his pillow. ❝NNNNNNNM❞ Tetsurou yelled into his pillow before reaching for his phone and texting the boy named "Snake whore" in his phone.

𝐌𝐞 8:13pm

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
lolz this sucks, tell me what you think in the comments. Should I finish this book first or work on my other fics?

Hatred; Intense Dislike or ill will || re writingWhere stories live. Discover now