Out of Time, Farewell Friends

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Not now! I don't have time... wait have you seen Max around here at all

!?: Oh Max yeah actually you and some other guy, actually he looked familiar I think that kid may have stole from the tip jar... I should have ran him out of here, he'll only cause trouble for Max

Y/N: Hey look can you shut up a second a tell me exactly where they went

!?: Okay man one rude and two, well I don't know two, but they went down that street somewhere near that beach maybe

Y/N: Thank you a lot! You always had great coffee I'm gonna miss it!

!?: Uhh, are you leaving or something

Y/N: Yeah I guess you could say that, or trying at least

You look both ways and run past traffic to the other side of the sidewalk and near the street the Coffee guy said they went down

Y/N: For all Maxisimos know this guy is some junkie who thinks he has super powers I mean the kid was homeless... I just don't trust there type, not after mom at least

You hurry running down the street probably looking like a maniac to passers by, but you don't care you're a man on a mission

Y/N: If Max uses the picture won't we both just end up there, like before... unless I do remember losing my powers before we were sent here could that mean I'm stuck here, or I need Mad Max's powers to push me through the photo... that's sounds a lot more crazier saying it out loud you know

After about twenty minutes of needless searching you find absolutely nothing or nowhere besides garbage on the beach

Y/N: Man and people wonder why there's land fills everywhere, I blame Los Angeles for this it's mostly there fault

You kick some sand up in the air in anger and it backfires getting into your eyes immediately after

Y/N: Agh! Crap! It burns!

You cover your eyes up and walk forward tripping on a rock and smacking your head onto the ground

Y/N: Ow... that hurt!

You sit up and dust yourself then take a seat on the rock well you lose yourself in thoughts

Y/N: I guess I really won't find her huh, man Maximus can you really trust that skectly figure or are you just blinded by the promise he can get you back to our timeline, we don't really know him at all... I remember the good old days when all I had to worry about was getting bad grades or my Xbox taken away, now it's about fighting a crazy killer teachers, drug dealers, having weird unexplainable super powers, and even alternate crazy timelines at this point

You look up at the night as the moon illuminates all your surroundings

Y/N: I used to just be some rich kid with a dad for a District Attorney... or yeah so I thought, then me and Chloe look through paperwork and of course I'm adopted, they always treated me different too... I felt like I never belonged there not once, the only onw who understood me was Rachel... then I left Arcadia Bay to find my mother turns out she was way worse than James had told me... she lived in some crack house doing favors just for a little more drugs, I tried to help her and get her life on track, I gave her so many chances but she spit on my face and broke my trust so many times... But I still stuck by her, she was nice sometimes and I thought maybe if I waited she'd get back her senses and throw that life behind, but she didn't she said she loved her long last son but couldn't give up some filthy drugs for him... Now I know who she really is James wasn't perfect but he was a better parent than my birth mother would ever be... then I got the call Rache was missing so I came back to Arcadia Bay right, and Rachel is gone now... my true family member is gone because I never stayed behind and tried to find some fake reality, That is why I can't stay here, I don't deserve to be here when so many others aren't I have to go back and give the alternate universe Max and Y/N their home back and go back to my own home...

Intertwined By Time: Malereader x Max CaulfieldWhere stories live. Discover now