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"Sit up straight," Toph's father orders from his throne next to his daughter. "And smile. You look like a hooligan, frowning like that."

Toph obeys immediately and effectively, smiling however strained she's sure it looks. Her father grunts his approval. "Better."

Her mother, the queen, stops before her seat and smooths a strand of her hair back before quietly sitting in her own royal seat, on her husband's right. "You look lovely, dear," she says. "I'm sure the prince will love you. They'll be here any minute, now."

At that, she tenses. The prince will be here any minute.

"Who chose your dress?" the king asks her firmly, leaning down to whisper in her ear. Wouldn't want the lords and ladies of the court gathered below to hear their beloved king criticizing a member of his perfect family.

"Ahn," she says stiffly, naming her lady in waiting.

"It clashes terribly with your skin color," he growls. "Look at this, Poppy. Green makes you look sickly. Unfit to be married. Go and change, before they arrive."

"Lao," her mother says gently, resting her hand on his. "There's no time."

The king sighs, massaging his forehead, but subtly. There are many important people here today, Toph knows, even if she can't see them. She also knows that her father would never dare turn this into A Thing in front of them. However indifferent he may be to her and her mother in private, he is a man who cares about appearances. And the show must go on.

"Fine. Then I will fire her later," her father concludes.

"Father, you can't fire Ahn," she sighs. "Ladies in waiting cannot be fired, remember? That's the law."

Her father grits his teeth. "Citizens do not reprimand their kings, Toph. I know my place. It would do you good to learn yours."

She doesn't say anything. It isn't the first time he's spoken to her as if she was some common street rat instead of his daughter, and over the years she's just sort of adjusted to it. Besides, the punishment for speaking back is not exactly an experience that makes her jump up and down for joy.

However strict the laws are in the cities of her kingdom, here in the palace, here in her life, they are far stricter. They've been drilled into her head since her childhood, over and over and over again. Sit up straight. Smile. Look presentable. Don't speak unless spoken to. Be polite. The average set of beginner's rules, she supposes, but here they are enforced much more tightly. It's very easy to offend an Earth Kingdom native.

That's part of the reason she's been put through this arranged marriage process. Of course, there's the whole thing about the Fire Nation attacking any day now, with more and more force and more and more fatalities, but the other half is her father's old-fashioned ideas. She must marry a suitable man by a certain age, and in his opinion, Esceania is the peak of suitable men.

"You will make a fine match," he had said, the day she'd been told of her betrothal. "He's smart, handsome, and has good ties. This will be beneficial for everyone."

Yeah, right. It sure isn't beneficial for Toph. She's never met this man, this - this Sokka, and now in three weeks he is to be her husband? The only thing she knows about him is that he's seventeen. Only one thing. One thing! If only she could see a picture of him at least, to get a feel of what he looks like. Unfortunately, she had been born without such a privilege. She's sure he'll love that. A blind wife who he's never seen before. Not that she necessarily cares what he thinks of her, but due to the fact that they're set to spend the rest of their lives in each other's company she can't help hoping he won't be too appalled by her disability.

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