Vani's love (part1)

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In California

A beautiful Mansion is shown where a girl is cooking food and two boys are helping her and after half an hour they completed their cooking and went towards dining table where a mid aged  couple were sitting.

G: good evening mom and dad
M&D: good evening Princess
B1&2: good evening mom and dad
M&D: good evening Rohan and Rudar
D: mmm what an aroma of food can't wait to eat it
M: yummy kids
D: Princess, Rohan and Rudar remember na we have to go to Mumbai
Ro&Ru: yes dad
But she looks sad
M: Bani beta I know u are sad but beta whatever had happened u have to move on
B: mom I have moved on but still somewhere I m sad
Ru: Cutiepie we r here na so don't get sad
Ro: Shona u know na we can't see a tear in ur eyes so plz stop crying
B: Ro and Ru I m not crying

Scene changes in Mumbai

In Singhaniya Mansion

A boy is coming inside the mansion with sweat on his face, earpods in his ears and water bottle in his hand
P: good morning Veer bhai
V: good morning
D: Veer bhai let's go to mall today
V: ok and went in his room got ready and came down

At dining table

V: good morning
All: good morning
V: dad me, Ponky, Daksh and Monil are going to mall
B: ok
P: Veer bhai we will watch movie
D: no first we will buy clothes
M: no first watch
P: no movie
D: no clothes
M: no watch

And they kept on fighting

V: shut up guys shout at them
V: listen first we will buy clothes, then watch, then movie and then dinner
P,M&D: k

Scene changes to Singhaniya Industries in Taapish cabin

T: Meera what is the schedule for today
M: Taapish today u have two meetings with Mr. Sinha and Mr. Gill
T: k and after that will u come for lunch date
M: lil blush ok

Then Taapish did two meetings and Meera presented the presentation and got the deal and then they went to Food studio restaurants

M: Taapish when u r going to tell ur family about us
T: soon but not now
M: Taapish we are in relationship for more than 2 yrs
T: I know Meera k I will tell them next week as mom's birthday is coming
M: k

They did their lunch and were going out but Meera collied with a girl and was about to fall but Taapish safe her and they shared an eyelock and broke it and went out and sat in car and then Meera realised that her locket was not in her neck

M: Taapish wait
T: what happened Meera
M: my locket is missing and she went inside the restaurant and find that locket on the floor and picked that up and went
T: Meera what is special about this locket
M: this locket is given by my bff Bani a long tear 😢 fall from her eyes
T: Meera why are u sad and u have never told me about ur bff Bani
M: 15 yrs ago me n Bani were bff. When Bani was 6yrs old her parents died in car accident and papa had brought her to our home she was like sister to me but ma didn't like her she use to treat her like servant and taunt her alot and she has always said bad mouth about her I don't why she hates her so much but Bani didn't say anything to her. After 1yr one day I was coming back from school as my boards were over and was very happy but when I reached there I saw ma was scolding Bani and I came there to defend her but she also shouts at me locked me in room and Bani was sad as she thought that because her ma locked me in room. At night without telling anyone she leave the house forever and left a letter for me. Next morning I saw that letter and read it and inform papa about it and we both searched her and also informed to police but we couldn't find her till now I couldn't find her I don't know where is she I m missing her alot tears were coming out from her eyes 😢 and this is the only thing of her which she had gifted me on my birthday and is very close to my heart and Taapish hug her to console her and then she said and from then I also left my house and went to hostel stayed there and also did jobs and saved money to fulfil my needs
T: Meera I m sorry because me u remember ur past again
M: Taapish it's not ur fault and I hope that I will meet her soon
T: hmm and then they went to office finished their work and went home

Scene changes to California

In Bani's room

Bani was looking at bracelet which was given by Meera and said to herself Meera di I miss u alot but don't worry ur Bani is coming to back and will meet soon.

( I m making change that Bani doesn't sleep reason u will come to know soon)

Precap: Bani came back to India

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