I will never forger

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Dont you dare say I forgot. I will never forget. I remember the first time are eyes met and how everything went into slow motion. I remember your touch how it burned my skin as if I had just touched the sun. I remember your laugh. I remember the sound of your heart beat with my head against your chest. I remember the warmth of your hand and the first time you held mine. I remember the first time I made you smile and how it felt like every light in my soul had turned on. I remember the first time you kissed me and how nervous I was. I remember the night we snuck out because we couldn't stand the fact we were apart. I remember the nights we would stay up till 5 am asking stupid questions. I remember seeing the way your eyes lit up every time you saw me. I remember feeling whole when I was in your arms. I remember letting you become my entire world. I remember the first time you told me you loved me outside of the movie theatre. I remember really believing we could have forever. I remember the sound of your voice when you were about to cry. I remember when everything started to fall apart and I tried so hard to keep it together. I remember the day when our love was suppose to come to an end but we just couldn't stay away. I remember the day you couldn't tell me you loved me anymore. I remember when you begged me not to take my life. I remember crying everyday. I remember doing all I could to fix something I knew was broken. I remember the day you tried to escape from my life but couldn't so you told me " just friends " is what we were. I remember how bad it hurt when I couldn't kiss you. I remember when I left as you cried. I remember our last hug because we knew it would be the last so you squeezed me as tight as you could and told me you loved me. I remember when you fell in love with someone else. I remember our last goodbye. Just because I have moved on doesn't mean I forgot, I will never forget.

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