Stars (Underground Levi x Reader)

Start from the beginning

But you could only gape at the new sight, Levi noticed your upbeat mood and finally looked up. His eyes widened and you smiled slightly, it was his first time seeing the stars as well. "There's a really big one right there, it doesn't look like a star." You whispered pointing to the moon, "It's not a star, I can't remember what it's called though." Levi replied.

"It's called the moon" Isabel said smiling walking up you. Farlan was beside her, you all stared up at the sky. You couldn't really fathom that you finally met your dream, you simply gazed at the stars smiling uncontrollably like an idiot. You walked back up to ledge, more careful this time and sat with your legs dangling over the side. The rest of the gang followed and you talked for a while, you looked over a Farlan, he was smiling, Isabel was too, and Levi just looked amazed. You felt so warm inside, "I wouldn't mind staying up here y'know? Maybe we could buy a house and live together like we used to." You mumbled. "Wall Sina sounds nice, maybe Levi could open a tea shop!" Isabel added, "Yeah, maybe." Levi murmured trying to not smile. "I kinda want to join the Garrison, but working at a tea shop does sound nice." Farlan began.

You all scooted closer to Levi, nudging him. "Alright, alright fine. We'll open a tea shop....once we complete are mission that is." He pressed. Shit, you had forgotten that you all had an expedition tomorrow, and you were planning on killing Erwin. "Make it look like a titan did it, pretend to be sad." You advised. Levi scoffed, "Of course, I'm no amateur. I just don't want you guys to get involved."

You glanced up at him,

"Levi, believe in us."

You, Farlan, and Isabel said in unison. Levi finally smiled,

"Alright, I'll believe in you."

Isabel eventually fell asleep on your shoulder and you carried her back to the girl's barracks. Farlan went to go sleep in the guy's barracks. But you decided to go back up to look at the sky again. To your surprise, Levi was still there. You sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulder. "Tired?" He asked, "Yeah...but I can stay awake a little while longer." You said yawning. "Tch." Levi scoffed. You sat there a little longer, still star gazing—Levi picked you up and began to walk back inside.

"I can't carry you all the way back to the girl's barracks." He whispered, "Mmm..." you hummed almost asleep. You reached the door and Levi sat you back on your feet, "Goodnight, (F/n)." He softly said before kissing you. "Goodnight." You cooed before walking to your bed.


You awoke the next day, the day of your first ever expedition. You strapped on your gear before strutting out to go get your horse. "Not so fast (L/n)." You heard a stern voice call out. It was the Commander. "You'll be staying back for this one, Section Commander Hanji needs you." He ordered. You gasped involuntary, "B-But, sir-" You quavered.

"That's an order, (L/n)."

Goddamnit. Levi's head snapped up to look at you, you shrugged and waved him good luck. "Be safe." You mouthed. Isabel and Farlan waved you bye.

You trudged over to Hanji, and they lead you to their office, then to the training grounds, then to the stables, then back to their office. The cycle kept repeating. Eventually it started to rain pretty hard so they let you go. You were excited again, it was your first time seeing, hearing, and feeling rain.

You ate and showered. Then waited anxiously at the window for your friends to return. The rain stopped and there was still no sight of them.


You waited, and waited, then finally you saw the horses approaching. You ran out to greet them but then you saw it—the rest of the people Levi went with weren't there. Including Isabel and Farlan, Levi....was covered in blood—Oh god.

You already knew what happened, you didn't want to believe it. You brought a hand up to your mouth to muffle your scream/sob. Levi got off his horse and immediately broke down in your arms, you cradled him not caring that he was filthy and you just showered. You both screamed and sobbed, he didn't need to explain—you already understood. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, (F/n)..." He choked. "Shhh shh shh." You rasped, tears still streaming down your cheeks.

After that you couldn't bare to look at the stars


One year had passed, Levi was now Captain Levi, and you were Squad Leader (F/n).

For a while it hurt to look at the stars, it hurt to hear rain, and you couldn't sleep anymore. The silence hurt, you missed Isabel's snoring. The silence felt like it was mocking you.

But eventually, you slept cuddled up to Levi again. His breathing and heartbeat were now your new lullaby, and you loved looking at the stars. You believed that your friends were now stars.

You had no regrets.

You and Levi sat on the same ledge you had a year ago, and gazed at the dark night sky palely lit by the stars. You smiled and pointed at a particular star, "Look, that one kinda looks like Isabel. See the pink line around it? It looks fuzzy too, like her hair." You said. Levi looked up, "Yeah, it kinda does....hey look at that one. It's blue looking." Levi added, it looked like Farlan's eye color to you. "Yeah.." You trailed off.

Stars truly were magnificent.

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