Shifter's conte

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hi, im new to wattpad. ive read heaps of stories and written tonnes but i just havent gotten the guts to write them on wattpad. 

i would love any feed back and suggestions.

each part in the story will be from a different character's point of view. so heres the first part, tell me what you think.


ana, dominic, amit, clare, lucien, rephaim, sunday, lucifer, amael, remiel and cassiel

Ana's point of view

I was surprised to find him so unkept. He looked as if he had just awaken. His white blonde hair,no longer strictly slicked back, it fell in waves that swept across his forehead. His face soft and unguarded, not like the man she had seen before; arrogant, selfish, jealous and hateful.

His sharp grey eyes looked content, as if he was at peace in his own way. I was shocked to find that he was only in white khaki pants that he wore low on his narrow hips, barefoot and no shirt tp restrict his wings. He was a magnificent sight. Strong high cheekbones that flowed down to a square jaw, broad shoulders and a muscular chest that lined a contoured stomach. The black wings streaked with a blood red were resting calmly at his back, the red seeming to flow, roll and sliver through his wings. Underneath his exterior, this wolf in sheep's clothing there is a hollow and cold soul. Lucifer.

His face changed then as if reading my last thought. It became stoic, distant and uninviting. He looked at me and was surprised to see his eyes wore the same relaxed expression as before. I stared at him hypnotised. I released my breath not realising i had been holding it. he moved towards me, slow graceful movements. There was something in his eyes when he looked at me, something mysterious and almost curious radiated from his gaze.

I looked up at his face to find a playful smile present on his lip and hunger furrowed in his eyes. His hands moved to the small of my back, his thumbs tracing warm circles along my spine, sending messages through my nerve endings. His lips tracked the line of my jaw, travelling to my ear, his breath tickling my ear as he whispered sweet nothings. He looked at me then my lips, his eyes torn between excitement and confusion at my reaction. His lips gently grazed mine, then pressing harder for acceptance. Our lips move together, in unicen. My vision blurring and hazy, my stomach fell and my heart stopped. I was falling.

I woke then, in my bed, in my house. It was a dream. He will attack you in your dreams. That's what Amael had told me. I got myself out of bed feeling the pleasant popping and stretching of stiff bones and muscles. The smell of pancake batter and syrup consumed the air, mmmm gotta love saturdays, it's Lucien makes pancakes day. Undressing and getting in to the shower, I let the water run smoothly over my skin. I basked in the comfort water had always given me. I always felt safe and felt that i belonged in water, like it was an extension of my body.

I dried and brushed my ink black hair, letting it fall in smooth waves to my waist, I lined my misty green eyes with a thin layer of eyeliner. Putting on my ankle length low cut blue dress that clinged to the curve of my hips, I walked downstairs.

Lucien was in the kitchen and Amael was in the living room.

Amael was impressive to say the least. A foot taller than me he stood at 6"7. Broad-shouldered, with a lanky figure torn with lean muscle Pale skin, almost translucent, you could trace the veins through his body. His hair was combed rather than left loose as usual. He wore a pair of black suit pants, barefoot and no shirt to most other people he would've looked silly or out of place, but not here. Silver wings smoothed with blue and like Lucifer's the blue seemed to swirl and moves through the silver. Noticing my presence he turned to look at me. His soft delicate features were calm but his grey eyes were etched with worry.

"He came to you didn't he?" he asked matter of factly.

"yes" i replied a cool edge to my voice.

"Did you want me to get Sunnie? She's probably awake by now" I asked a small smile crawling onto my lips.

"No' he replied a little too quickly, scarlett flooded his cheeks. Blushing? But i won't press the issue. Yet.

"Shouldn't we be talking about Lucifer?" he asked changing the subject.

"No" i snarled, venom dripping off the word.

"Good morning Amael, Good morning Ana" said a drowsy voice in the kitchen.

"Morning Dom" i replied, but Amael was distracted by the small pixie like figure coming down the stairs. Sunnie or as he called her Sunday.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2011 ⏰

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