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I am cursed and so is my love

We are both bound:

I to my convictions and she...

She is bound up with string, covered in ink

She is creased and torn and ripped apart

and thrown at the wall in frustration

or put away on the shelf and forgotten for months at a time.

I offer her nothing of substance

No warmth, no kisses, hardly even a sigh

I make love to her only with this pen

Our expressions of love are written uniformly on lines

Arranged in phrases she has heard many times before.

I am a bore to her.

The same sad cello music loops endlessly through the air

Hoping to put a new word to the page

but it never comes

I slump over at her side, she rolls over

the sheets in between us grow cold.

Where is the passion of our youth

When the words flowed like milk and honey?

When my phrases were new and exciting to her?

I make love to her only with this pen

And suddenly the ink has run dry

She's gone by morning

But the rising Sun casts her shadows all about the room

She lingers

She remains


Inspired by Cello Sonata No. 1 in E minor, Op. 38:1 Allegro Non Troppo by Johannes Brahms

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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