"I just, I'm getting older and I realized smoking is something I probably shouldnt do anymore." You explain

"Well you do have a point there." Wyatt sighs.

"Exactly." You say.

"So, hows life been treating you?" He asks.

"Badly, somehow I think karma has it's way of getting back to me.." You groan.

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"Nothing, just. Just forget I ever said that.." You sigh

"A-Alright.." Wyatt responds.

After those words escaped from Wyatts mouth, you two walked in silence. Pure quietness.

You didn't want to tell Wyatt about what happened with Finn because we you were scared about how he was gonna react.

But he already knew about everything that happened except for that one night.

The night he came into the hotel room when you were alone. Deep down you wanted to change that day.

Deep down you wanted to run after him and make things right again. Deep down you blamed yourself for not following him.

You blamed yourself for not trying to get him back. You still had feelings for him but you suppressed it.

To you suppressing it was the only way you could get rid of those feelings. But suppressing didn't make them go away.

It only made them grow stronger. It was if fate wasn't going to give up. Fate always has it's way of intervening..

Your thoughts were empty and meaningless, all you could think about was him. His scent. His body, his hair.

His eyes. And most importantly his Lips..

"Y/n? Y/n?!" Wyatt shouts.

"Huh?" Your thoughts come to hault.

"You just spaced out. I was gonna ask you what kind of Pizza did you want?" He asks as he dials the number to a pizza place.

"Uh, Pepperoni." You say.

"I remember you use to hate pepperoni." He chuckles.

"Oh yeah! Hah." You laugh.

Once you two reach home you take off your shoes and take off your jacket. Then you walk over into the living room.

"The pizza should be coming in like 20 minutes so just be patient, I'm gonna go upstairs and change." Wyatt says.

"Okay, I'll wait down here." You reply.

Alone in the livingroom you sit there and notice a smell once again. A smell but it was different than the one in your room.

It smelt like, Whiskey and body wash mixed with deodorant. Oddly enough its smelt familiar to you.

The first thing to come to mind was him. Finn, but it couldn't have been. Why would he have been in Wyatts house?

Wyatt hates him? Or so you thought. You questioned it, but you were discouraged because Wyatt and Finn would never be compatible in this state.

But you still had the urge to ask him about it. You still had-

The door bell rings, it's the pizza guy. You walk over to the door and open it.

Its the pizza man, he hands you the pizza and you give him the money.

You close the door and Wyatt rushes down the stairs.

"I SMELL PIZZAA!" He shouts.

"Yep." You chuckle.

"Pineapple is the best." Wyatt smirks.

"No your just a psycho." You laugh.

Together you two eat the pizza and relax in the living room.

"Ahh! I am so full." Wyatt groans.

"Yeah.. Wyatt I have a question for you." You mumble.

"What is it?" He stretches and Yawns.

"I know this may sound stupid but, was Finn in our house?" You question.

He bursts out laughing, unable to hold anything back.

"What makes you say that?" He asks catching his breath.

"I don't know it just, it smells like him around here you know?" You say.

"How do you even remember what He- You know what dont anwser that. But no. He wasn't in our house. Why would he be here in the first place?" He says defensively.

"I was just asking, no need to be all defensive and stuff." You explain.

"Well no, he wasn't by the way can you take out the trash? I would but I'm really tired right now." He yawns.

"Fine." You roll your eyes.

"All the trash back are already by the door you just have to take them out." Wyatt says.

"Okay.." You mumble

"Thank you." He says.

"Yeah, yeah.." You hiss.

You get up and walk over to trash backs and grab them.

You open the front door and walk over to the trash bin.

You throw the trash bag in but a little piece of paper falls out from your rooms trash bag.

"Seriously?!" You groan.

You bend over and pick up the note. You carefully open the note up to reveal...

Here's a longer chapter.
Really have nothing else to say but
happy lunar new year 😘

𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙁𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙖 | Finn Wolfhard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now