Chapter 37: Christmas

Start from the beginning

Chloe fan 1- Thank youuuu, and Merry Christmas to you!!

fan 2929- Merry Christmas Chloe!!!

Sway LA- Merry Christmas!!

it's starting to get close to dinner time so Noah and I are practicing our speeches to tell everyone the amazing news, my parents don't even know yet. They're going to be so happy for me, hopefully everyone will be.

*skip to dinner*

We're finally all sat and ready for dinner to come out, there's a lot of us so Noah and I are going to announce our news after dinner. In the meantime I spent the time talking with Alex and Kouvr, we talked about dogs, cats, trips, holidays, anything and everything that came to mind, we talked about it. I did not tell them the news because I want to save it for when I tell everyone.

Dinner has finally started to die down so I  stand up and ding my cup with my knife. "I would like to make an announcement" i started, looking around the room taking a pause before I proceed. "As you all know, I am moving to England in a couple days for an amazing opportunity that was presented to me by the one and only Victoria Beckham, for a short while I didn't know if Noah was to be allowed to go with me." I continued on.

everyone must have thought he was approved to go with me because they all perked up in their seats smiling wide and happy looking.

"I have gotten the response from Victoria that, Noah will... not be able to come with me on my new found business." I said looking down. everyone in the room awed and looked down, Kouvr coming over to give me a hug.

Noah Stands up and I sit down, him taking the show now. "Though I can not go with Chloe, I will meet her there. Because... I was given the opportunity to train and work with the Chelsea soccer team." Then, everyone in the room starts cheering running over to Noah and I. We were all very happy with the outcome of life at this moment. 

I think the hardest part will be telling our fans.


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⬜️⬛️🛩💬❤️Chloe D'amelio - it's been an amazing couple of years with everyone I have met in LA and I've already told everyone who needs to know and now I just have to tell you all, I have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with ex...

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Chloe D'amelio - it's been an amazing couple of years with everyone I have met in LA and I've already told everyone who needs to know and now I just have to tell you all, I have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with ex spice girl, fashion designer and model, @Victoria Beckham. I will be moving to London to fulfill my opportunity.

Noah Beck - I'm so happy for you Bubba
Chloe D'amelio - Thank you Bubba

fan 2 - what about Noah?

Chloe fan - I'm so happy for you Chloe
Chloe D'amelio - Thank you!!

Hater 1929292 - you don't deserve it, you're a terrible person!

Victoria Beckham - I'm so excited to see you Chloe, your room is all set up and everything.
Chloe D'amelio - Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given me, I'm so excited to finally meet you and your family

 Chloe D'amelio - Thank you so much for the opportunity you have given me, I'm so excited to finally meet you and your family

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⬛️⬜️🛩💬❤️Noah Beck - Guess who's going to play soccer again? Chelsea here I come!

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Noah Beck - Guess who's going to play soccer again? Chelsea here I come!

Chloe D'amelio - I'm so proud of you Bubba ❤️
Noah Beck - Thank you Bubs ❤️

Fan 77 - WOOOOOOO go Noah

Chloe fan - wait, does that mean you'll be in England together?

Noah and I after dinner had many people walking up to congratulate us. After everyone started to leave well all went back home. I've already started packing but I need to finish soon cause I'm leaving January 1st.

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