Chapter 5: The Advance

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Days had passed since the gathering at Kharrum and the dwarves were ready to match on Necrohan. All three of Gordrin's sons would have a part to play in the coming seige. The dwarven forces were to be split into three sections; the first section would be Borin's army which consisted of 4,000 dwarven warriors equipped with spears, swords, and crossbows. This force would act as the front line and would be the first to engage Necrohan. The second section would be commanded by Gordrin whose army would consist of 3,000 dwarven warriors equipped with sword and shield, and 700 golems led by Elbrog himself; this would be the main bulk of the dwarven force. The third section would be led by Baror an would act a the rear guard and supporting force, which consisted of 100 armed spear launchers, and 2,000 dwarves equipped with a variety of weapons. The final section and probably the most important would be led by Gordrin's wisest and youngest son Belor. This forces objective would be to circle around to the north using the mountain roads and ambushing the main force or orcs from Necrohan from the side, which would then hopefully give the dwarves the advantage. This force consisted of 2,000 dwarves with a variety of weapons and 300 golems.

This was an army that Gordrin was very proud of, an he was certain that victory would finally be established within the frozen summit.

As final preparations were made it gave Gordrin, his 3 sons and his remaining arm the chance to say farewell to their families. Gordrin was the first to farewell his wife Doraznolda; she knew how to handle herself in battle; as many female dwarves did. But it didn't stop Gordrin insisting that she stayed at Kharrum and watch over things while he was gone. So then Gordrin, Duregor, Hathumin, and Houzzumir; despite his half mechanical but functional leg, moved out to the assembly point.

Borin was the first son to try and say farewell to his wife, but Jorsala was as stubborn as she was brave, for she insisted that she accompanied him and we two sons to battle. So therefore Borin, Jorsala, Kimnuc, Amli, and Rathor all moved out to the assembly point.

Baror was next to depart from his family by saying farewell to his 11 year old son Rulvon and his wife Whurdouthra who would stay and watch over Mal Boramm In his absence. So Baror, his eldest son Dulvin, and his two commanders Fomnil and Dodrod would set out to meet the others at the assembly point.

The final family member to say goodbye was Belor. He had many strong commanders within his ranks, the main ones being; Thornil, Skarnorlin, Skafren, and Oddan. He would say farewell to his wife Whuddoubela; who was the sister to his brother Baror's wife Whurdouthra. Leaving her to govern over Thardor in his absence. So then Belor's forces along with the blue wizard made their way to the assembly point.

All forces had made there way to the assembly point and therefore waited for the Gordrin horn to echo through the mountain roads and signal their march on Necrohan. With the loud and deep harrowing echo being sounded out throughout the mountain, the dwarves set out to conquer Necrohan.

Elsewhere at the kingdom of Dral, in the city of Aldrak, the Orc commander Worthag had been summoning an army at the request of Molruer to lay seige on the kingdom of Irea in an attempt to divide the kingdoms of men and thus trap the kingdoms of Thosnia and Boryn. This army consisted of orcs, and brute dragons; just as Ryfar of Colkirk predicted.

With word having been sent out to the kingdoms of Thosnia and Boryn by Ryfar, the defences were established which would give the humans a fighting chance in repelling this looming doom.

Meanwhile in Necrohan the Orc chieftains Nagrub, Olumba, and Gujjab were unaware of the impending threat that was upon them. Although they had the means to hold out on defence against the dwarves.

6 days had passed since the dwarves left Thim Durahl and they were closely approaching the city of Necrohan. With the orcs that inhabit there still unaware of there march.

In Dral however Worthag had sent his two spawns Vlorg and Golub to lead the attack on Irea, knowing that if Fort Orvale fell, the cities of Colkirk and Thardor would be within his grasp. Although Worthag could quite easily just attack Colkirk he didn't want the threat of a rear attack from Orvale to be possible, so he wanted to take it out to help guarantee victory for Molruer.

In Colkirk, Ryfar could see the skies darkening into the distance towards Dral, and knew that time had run out. He quickly sent his son Lerin to Thardor to warn the dwarves of this threat. Could this bold move from Gordrin end up costing him dearly?

In the frozen summit, Gordrin's forces were in position and ready to charge. It was only then that Nagrub realised that he was under attack, although he lusted for revenge on Borin for his father Lurbuk's death.

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