Chapter two - First day

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The cab dropped me off by the gates of the studio and I signed in at the front kiosk. The security guy there was really helpful in telling me where the hell I was going for my meeting with Ryan.

Desperately trying to remember the directions he gave me to the trailers, my breathing grew rapid and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as I grew closer to where it all happens.

I've been on sets before of course. Just not one where I'd be meeting my favourite director of all time AND my celeb crush for the first time. Yeah I'm nervous. That's a given.

The minimalist white shapes of trailers come into view as I turn the corner by far edge of the car park, and I feel as if I could pass out at any moment. Someone seriously needed to give me a reality check. Stat.

I can see some of the crew walking around by the buffet tent and I recognise a few members of the cast too.

I see the building to the right of the trailers that the security guard had mentioned. The offices were in there.

Scurrying quickly past the buffet tent and the people, I tried to avoid eye contact with anyone in the hope that I wouldn't be cornered into an long, unwanted conversation when I was 8 minutes for my meeting with the director.

I wandered through the wide opening in the side of the building and through one of the open studio sets, following the signs down a long corridor of rooms. Other offices I presumed.

I reach a door towards the end of the corridor with a make shift sign on the door that says 'Ryan Murphy - Director'.

I gather myself for a moment before knocking. I wait about half a second before I hear a voice telling me to come in.

I open the door and step cautiously inside.

The room was pretty drab. Beige walls, dark blue carpet with minimal furniture. A mahogany desk and a few chairs positioned near it. Stacks of papers were piled up high on a table by the window. Scripts or something probably.

"Y/N" Ryan broke my 5 seconds of silent observation," So nice of you to join us" he said jokingly.

"Oh I know I apologise, I was running late cause I didn't realise what the time was and I hadn't seen your email about the meeting till this morning and
then I forgot to call for a cab and i-" I rambled beofre being interrupted.

"It's fine, really I was just being sarcastic," he laughed and looked up Sarah who had been standing next to him the whole time.

Sarah! Shit.

She giggled at me, as I had a minor gay panic. Embarrass myself. Check.

"We're gonna have our hands full with this one huh?" she said teasingly, looking at me with her gorgeously brown eyes.

"Yep she's the one I've been telling you all about, my friends' niece, she's our new director of photography," Ryan replied to her.

"Yeah, hi, sorry I'm Y/N," I take a chance and walk over to the both of them, reaching out for a hand shake.

Ryan shakes it, firm and proper. A manly grip.

Sarah looks at me with a funny confusion and pushes my hand away. I was alarmed when she pulled me into a hug instead. Not was I was expecting but I'll certainly take it. I let her arms fold around me as I rested my chin briefly on her shoulder before she pulled away.

It was a rather quick, friendly hug. After all, we had only just met, but I really did want to stay there forever.

I cleared my throat in awkwardness and turned to Ryan, who was looking at me intently. Waiting for me to say something?

"So anyway I'm here, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about" I broke the silence.

"Oh yeah, erm, I just wanted to meet you really and get you settled in here personally, but something has actually come up, so I'm afraid i'll have to get someone else to show you around, erm-"

"I'm happy to show you around" Sarah chimed in, "There's no filming today and I got here early so my trailer's all set up. I've got the time."

She turned to Ryan, looking for permission.

"Yes that would be great! Thank you so much Sarah," he vocally authorised, "I do have a super important phone call in a minute though so I'm gonna have to kick you two out, but I really hope you have a good day Y/N"

"Thanks, yes, I'm sure I will" I replied. I looked up at Sarah, unable to fully comprehend that she was even aware of my existence at this point.

Realising the Ryan was waiting for us to excuse ourselves, we shuffled promptly out of his office, out into the hallway.

"So, let's begin this tour then shall we?" Sarah said excitedly.

Yes, let's.

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