"Hunter." I called, running my finger along one of my jet black knives.

When no one came I frowned and opened the door to my left that had a foot sticking out of it. Someone immediately fell forward and I moved backwards in time to see four more people fall in front of me.

So that's security huh? Looks like I wasn't the first one to find him.

I already knew who had been more reckless than even me and continued down the hallway until I heard the familiar torcher scream.

Pushing the door open I was met with Asrael who pointed his gun at me before lowering it and glancing down at the man in the chair.

"Definitely did a number on you." I chuckled, looking at Hunter who was barely keeping his eyes open and had a significant amount of blood pooling around him.

"That's good, so, has he told you anything?" I looked up at Asrael who shook his head and then punched Hunter for I'm guessing the hundredth time today.

I dragged the knife along his face, causing a long but not so deep cut and then moved it downwards until he spoke.

"Alright, fine. Just, not that." I smiled and pulled the knife back to me, gesturing for him to continue.

"It was Jonathan who came up with the whole idea, I was just told to help by Sofia, your brothers ex wife. Most of the leads you have followed are the right ones but who always convinces you they're wrong or is always there when something goes badly?" Hunter explained with a smirk pulling at his lips which was quickly cut short when Asrael socked him in the jaw.

I thought about the question, "Adrian." I answered and he nodded, glaring at Asrael.

I pointed the knife at him again and he sighed.

"Adrian's in on the whole thing. He doesn't want Victoria to have the babies because he never got to be a father to the one Sofia had aborted when he divorced her. After divorcing her he regretted it and wanted another chance but she'd already had the procedure done. When they found out about Victoria, they went to Jonathan and made a deal." I kicked the chair he was tied to angrily and he went down with a groan.

"Fucking idiot brothers." I rolled my eyes, wishing I had told Adrian to leave that wench when I had the chance. If all of us did, we wouldn't be in this situation.

"Do you know how she's being treated?" Asrael spoke for the first time and dragged the chair back up for Hunter to speak.

Hunter pursed his lips and I dug the knife into his abdomen, pulling it downwards until he flipped out.

"Jeez, alright. She's not alone, a week before they took her they took Thackery. If it wasn't for Zayden, Thackery's half brother, she wouldn't be aloud to eat much either. From what I know they're friends-" I immediately knew where he was going with that sentence to piss Asrael off and kicked the chair back down.

"He's just being an ass, trust me. I took Adrian's car to get here, there'll probably be something in there that can help us. Come on." I nodded to Asrael and he gestured for me to go first.

After I was out in the hallway I heard a gun shot behind me before he walked out with blood covering his face and clothes.

I tossed him a tissue that I found so he could get cleaned up and not draw too much attention to us. He took his jacket off and threw it to the side, now looking like he hadn't just torchered and killed someone.

Once we were both in the car he looked through the glove compartment while I checked the gps again and rolled my eyes.

"He's got the location of where Victoria is still set in, fucking idiot." I gestured to the small screen and we shared the same 'Adrian is an idiot' look.

"There's this as well." Asrael handed me the piece of paper which had different phone numbers scribbled down on it.

Now we have the location of my sister and everyone's phone numbers. I thank myself for taking Adrian's car and my brother for having an IQ of 0.5.

"We should go now then." Asrael told me and I rolled my eyes at this dumbasses idiocy as well.

"No, we need to get back home and let everyone know. We can get information out of Adrian too but we need a plan if the organiser of this whole thing is Jonathan-asshat-Zarrelli." I told him and he reluctantly nodded before we put our seatbelts on and drove straight home.


"Adrian, my favourite brother, can you meet me down here please." I shouted, sarcasm and bitterness lacing my tone.

I heard multiple steps coming down the stairs and once Adrian was in front of me I took Asrael's gun that was handed to me, off him and pointed it at my brother.

Something I never thought I'd ever have to do.

There was a round of gasps and Alex who had just woken up from his nap, almost tripped down the rest of the stairs.

"Damon what the fuck are you doing? Are you on LSD again?" Wyatt questioned from the side and I gave him a blank look before returning to my business.

"Our dear brother here is the one that helped the plan along for Victoria to be kidnapped. When he divorced Sofia he wanted another chance and to be a father but by then she'd already aborted the kid. So when they both found out the news about Vic, they conspired with the Zarrelli mafia." A few people gulped at the mention of that particular mafia and I couldn't blame them. Everyone in the Zarrelli family was deranged and inevitably, unbeatable in times like this.

Adrian tried making a run for it but was pulled back by his collar as Alex clicked his tongue.

"You're going to tell us everything, and then, we're going to bring our sister home."


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