Chapter 1

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It's interesting, you know? To be traveling with the most wanted man alive.

I started out living in Meteor City with no one around but piles of trash. Spent a few years running around, fighting for survival. I learned how to steal, lie, and manipulate people by the time I was seven.

That was around the time I met him.

My nii-chan.

He was like a knight in shining armor in my eyes.

I was caught stealing several loaves of bread when he had appeared.

"Come with me. You have great potential and it'll be a shame if it's wasted by staying here."

Chrollo Lucilfer.

I was only eight when I first met him. From there, we went around to several different countries before returning to Meteor City four years later.

I didn't understand why we returned at first. He said he wanted to bring a group of people together.

But eventually.

It all made sense.

The Phantom Troupe.

Nii-chan was hesitant about letting me join. He didn't want me to be part of it but he still kept me close no matter where we went. I stuck to his side like glue.

9/10, I'm always with him or two of the closest members are with me. Mostly it was Feitan or Machi, sometimes Franklin or Nobunaga.

One day, he had left me behind claiming it wasn't safe enough for me to tag along. So I waited and waited. I trained my Nen and sword skills Feitan and Nobunaga had taught me before leaving with Nii-chan and the rest of the Troupe.

When the Troupe returned, they were all in a giddy and good mood. They even started to celebrate!

Nii-chan wouldn't tell me what they had done or what they had stolen. Whatever it was, it must've been a good, no, excellent haul.

"You're still young, Y/n. Until you're older, I'd like for you to be in the dark. Understand?"

Nii-chan always said he knows what's best for me so I nodded along and agreed. After all, he is my nii-chan. Surely he's right?

In the next few years, we gained and lost members of the Troupe.

Shalnark, Phinks, Shizuku, and Hisoka.

The newest members so far.

Nii-chan warned me to stay away from Hisoka. The other members agreed and also warned me that Hisoka is someone worth not interacting with at all.

So I did.

I stayed away from Hisoka and spent the majority of my time with the other members.

Shalnark is always fun to be with. He always has different games for me to play with him and the other members. Feitan and Nobunaga taught me more sword techniques and skills to practice. Machi taught me how her Nen worked and different ways of medical help. Kortopi often showed me how he can duplicate objects and people; he once pranked me by showing me a duplicate of Nii-chan and I cried thinking that Nii-chan actually died. Phinks almost threw hands if it weren't for Nii-chan stepping back in after a phone call. Pakunoda taught me how to reload, take apart, and clean her gun. Bonolenov showed me the tradition his people had by giving me a performance his people had. Shizuku would always ask me the most random and weirdest questions but I always enjoy having those conversations with her. I typically avoid Uvogin seeing that he's the largest and loudest member of the group.

At first, I was a bit off-putted by the suddenness of new people entering my and Nii-chan's lives. But I got used to it. In fact, I enjoyed having them in my life. Sure, we've lost a few members along the way but that didn't mean the pain of losing them lasted for long.

After several different heists, the group separated. Nii-chan, of course, took me with him. As we had done before, we traveled again. Visiting one country to another, stealing whatever we set our eyes on.

It was around this time that Nii-chan started letting me do the work. During our stay at a random, small country; I managed to steal several rare gems and fled the scene before the people realized what had happened.

I suppose my Nen helped me with that. As a transmuter, I was able to subtly release a cloud of fog surrounding the area.

Nii-chan was proud of me! And I was so happy I made him proud! That night, he spoiled me to no end.

"Remember, Y/n. Nii-chan loves you no matter what. Always and forever, my little baby spider."

And I love you, Nii-chan! I replied back to him with a wide grin.

He smiled and that was the last time I saw him.

When I woke up, I was alone in the hotel room. Nii-chan was nowhere to be seen. His bags and belongings were gone too. There was a note on the coffee table. When I picked it up, it said:

Baby spider,

I know you're wondering where I have gone. From here on out, you're more than capable of taking care of yourself. Try not to get into sticky situations if you can. I won't be there to get you out of it nor will the other members. If you see or meet any of the members, don't expect them to answer your question. Where am I?


So I did just that. I continued to travel, I continued to steal, I continued to lie and manipulate. I met and gained contacts, I met and lost contacts. Along the way, I'd occasionally meet other members like Shalnark and Shizuku.

After meeting Machi a few months later, she informed me that Nii-chan wanted to meet up soon. Not just me, but with the rest of the Troupe. Excitedly, I agreed to go with Machi. We met with Feitan, Nobunaga, and Franklin along the way!

Machi gave me a brief summary of what's happening in Yorknew.

The auction. Specifically, the underground auction. Members of the mafia all over the world will be coming to attend this auction! And it's exciting!

Machi didn't know what Nii-chan has in plan just yet. In fact, nobody does. Not yet at least.

Did he contact you and the rest of the Troupe, Machi-nee?

He did, Machi replied. He had asked me to look for you while looking for Hisoka too.

Looking back at my list of contacts, I realized Nii-chan hasn't contacted me once ever since we split.

If we are going to be meeting him soon, I'd like to know why.

Entering an abandoned building, I can see that several members have already arrived before us.

Looking around, I spotted Nii-chan at the top, reading away as usual.

Dropping my bag and sword off, I made my way over to Nii-chan.


"Baby spider."

"You know you don't have to call me that."

Closing his book, Nii-chan finally looked up at me.

"No matter how old you are, you're still the baby of the Troupe, Y/n. And I missed you." 

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