Chapter 5

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Just run without looking back, I don't care if it's my imagination, I'm not waiting to find out if he indeed wanted to harm me.

My lungs are burning up, my feet are barely  touching the ground. The heavy rain, the wind whipping my long hair on my face, all is irrelevant. I just need to put some distance, and fast. I don't even look back to see if I'm followed. If I manage to live through this day, Igor is in so much deep shit, this is all his fault.

I'm finally at my limit, I can't run anymore, I greedily inhale, but it's still not enough for my searing lungs. Not spotting that ominous shave head, means he is no longer on my tail. I don't even want to imagine what the creep wanted to do with me, better not to let my thoughts go there.

Though I'm relative safe, I have no clue where I'm, soon I realize my big mistake. I ran straight into the forest close by, if tattoo man were to catch me this is where my dead body would be found. Though I still might die here, after all I'm lost with no idea how to get out. A wave of frustration hits me hard, I'm so mad on me, on Igor, basically the world.

It all started going south the moment I finished classes.

I was standing outside school, in exactly the stupid spot Igor told me to wait for him. After half a hour the place was deserted, no kids, no teachers, no locals. I suppose the school being at the outskirts of the village town didn't help. Only ranches surrounded the premises, they were scarce, and I could barely make out the main houses.

To pass time I kept thinking of all the possible excuses Yeti will give me for being late, and how I will chew him on. A hour in, and the sun has set, officially I'm freezing, by now the cold windy night has settled in, and of course is started pouring cats and dogs.

The arrival of a van excited me, fully hoping that Igor will appear. The car wasn't the same, and the man that got out was definitely exotic.  He had a shaved head, and sported a tattoo on his face. Is that a snake or a dragon, he was still to far away for me to see.

The moment the stranger started waving at me I knew shit was going down. When he saw that I ignore him, that's when he started jogging towards me, and like any sane person, I reacted accordingly.

Running for my life.

I survived a crippling disease, and slipped through the mafia's clutches, I can definitely get out of this forest and away from that freak. I just have to be cautious when I  retrace my steps, and be extra careful not to meet van creep. Obviously I thought about the fact that going blind in an unfamiliar forest it's a bad move. I have no sense of direction, for all I know I could move further into the heart of the forest.

My only hope is that the bits of conversation I heard on the table next to me in the cafeteria, are true. The forest it's quite small, often in science class the students go and explorer it. So I should be ok, I'll walk for a while and then see what happens.

It's already pitch black, it must be around ten by now, so at least Lorna will get worried and call police. Yeah, it's not like I'll go missing for ever, I try to reassure myself. Plus I still have my water bottle half full and I'm not terrible hungry, now if only I could find a place to dry out, though with this ongoing merciless rain no fat chance.

Crap, what's that? Here it goes again, someone is out there making screeching noises. Shit! All I can think is creep van caught another girl and is killing her. I know I should walk away from the sound, but can I really live with the guilt. What if I really let someone die, when I think about me being in the same position, I would want somebody to be brave and try and rescue me.

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