Start from the beginning

'Well fuck.' Harry though to himself.

Harry tuned them out when they started grovelling at Voldemort's feet. He started slightly when he heard Malfoys name be called, and was not very surprised to see Lucius Malfoy also on the ground, practically kissing Voldemorts feet, his long blond hair obscuring his face. Harry glared hard at him for Ginny's sake before once again ignoring Voldemort's rant. 'Cedric. . . Dumbledore. . . Hurry!'

Harry only heard bits and pieces of Voldemort's long-winded speech about how disappointed he was at his followers, only paying attention to the names. 'Malfoy, Macnair, Avery, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle. . . Can't say I'm all surprised that Macnair's a Death Eater. He was really pissed Buckbeak got away...ARG! Stay focused Harry!'

Again Harry listened for any sign of help, ignoring the words coming from Voldemort. He had no idea how long he was doing this, but it felt like forever. Harry had almost completely blocked out the sounds of Voldemorts ranting. That was until it hit him.

Pain. Pain like he'd never felt before. It was nothing compared to the bite on his leg. Nothing like when he had to regrow all of his bones in his arm. Nothing like all the times Dudley and his gang had beaten him up almost to the point unconsciousness. The only thing it was comparable to was the basilisk venom in the second year. The pain was all-encompassing. His bones surely must have been on fire; His blood had to be boiling; His skull had to be seconds away from splitting down his scar! Harry's eyes were rolling madly in their sockets. His pained screams muffled through the rag in his mouth. Fresh tears rolled down his face. He wanted nothing more for it to end. . . to blackout. . . to die. . .

And then it ended, but Harry had not blacked out. . . had not died. Voldemort had lifted the curse. The 14-year old boy hung limply in the rope binding him to the grave of Tom Riddle Senior, gasping for air. Harry's emerald green eyes glared into the ruby-red eyes of Lord Voldemort, as he and his Death Eaters laughed at the young Gryffindors pain. "Pay attention next time, Potter. I asked you if you would like to duel before I kill you. But now I'm not so sure. Wormtail. . . untie him and bring him to me. . . then I'll make up my mind."

Wormtail (who now had a sliver hand where his right one used to be) made his way from the circle of Death Eaters surrounding their Lord, over to the boy. Harry watched as Wormtail undid the ropes tying him to the headstone. When Harry was free, he stumbled forward as fresh pain surged through his bitten leg. Thankfully, he managed to stay upright instead of falling back down onto the damp grass. Using his newly freed hands, Harry pulled out the piece of fabric in his mouth and wiped his still-damp eyes. He looked around the circle of Death Eaters, for an opening to escape. But even if he had found one, he wouldn't have been able to do anything for Wormtail grabbed him roughly by the arm, dragging him forward, right in front of Voldemort.

Harry stared up into the snake-like face, trying not to show how terrified he really was, and glared at the taller 'man' in front of him. "Wow." He said, "You're even uglier up close." Harry sneered at Voldemort, acting much braver than he felt.

Voldemort simply glared at the messy-haired boy standing defiantly before him. As Harry glared back, Voldemort's gaze travelled to the cut on Harry's arm. His left arm. He grinned cruelly at Harry, gaining an idea.

Harry felt very unnerved at the smile Voldemort was giving him. 'This can't be good...' He thought to himself.

Harry tried to back away from the man in front of him, but not fast enough. Voldemort spidery hands seized Harry's injured arm and twisted it so the boy's forearm was facing him. He quickly pushed back the sleeves of Harry's robes, placed his wand on Harry's bare forearm, and before Harry could react, he recited the incantation.

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