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Harry watched in horror at Lord Voldemort. Voldemort was not looking at Harry anymore though. He was examining his new body with rapt attention. Harry might even found the sight funny, the feared Lord Voldemort examining how his hands and feet move like a toddler if he wasn't so terrified. Luckily, he did manage to stop crying, so there was that.

After some time, Voldemort's spidery hands slipped into one of the many pockets of his dark robes. Once the yew wand was released from its fabric-confines, Voldemort practically caressed the wand. He pointed it at Wormtail who had been sobbing in the grass at the base of the now empty cauldron.

"Come Wormtail. Rise before I make you." Voldemort finally spoke.

"My Lord . . ." Wormtail managed through his sobbing, " My Lord . . . You promised . . ."

"All in due time Wormtail" Voldemort replied "Now your arm. It's time to call my Death Eaters and see who has remained loyal to their Lord. Those who haven't will pay dearly. " Voldemort finished with a laugh. The ungodly high, cold, and mirthless laugh.

Harry watched as Wormtail rolled up his sleeve to reveal what at first glance looked like a tattoo. It was a bright red version of the mark that someone had fired using Harry's own wand during the Quidditch World Cup. The shape of a skull, with a snake protruding from its mouth menacingly. Voldemort seemed to consider the mark for a moment. Then, seemingly pleased with what he saw, pressed his long, white forefinger to the mark.

Instantly, Harry's attention was back into himself, as once again his scar seared in pain. 'Cedric... Please hurry.'

Ignoring the cry of pain from Wormtail, Voldemort smiled a cruel smile, locking eyes with Harry. "Do you know what I just did Potter? What you saw was on Wormtail's Dark Mark. All my most loyal death eaters have them. Any minute now, my they shall apparate here to this graveyard with me. At least, those who are brave enough will. Some will be foolish enough to stay away. . . As if they could escape me. . ."

Voldemorts' gaze travelled around the graveyard, landing briefly on Wormtail; as he did Harry noticed a slight frown cross his snake-like features. "Oh do get up Wormtail, don't be so dramatic," he told Wormtail, who was sobbing whilst cradling his bleeding stump of what used to be a hand. Voldemort then started to pace. After a few minutes (in which Wormtail slightly collected himself. Slightly) he stopped the pacing and once again faced Harry.

"Harry Potter. . . You stand upon the grave of my late father," Voldemort hissed. "He was a Muggle. . . and a fool. Much like your dear mother. But now they both have proved themselves useful in their deaths. Without my father, I wouldn't have been able to return as you have seen tonight, Potter. As for your mother. . . she died to defend you, Potter. Too bad after tonight it will have all been for nought."

Harry shot him the iciest glare he could muster, but the effect was lost somewhat by the tear streaks staining his face.

Voldemort sneered at him. "It seems your little Hufflepuff friend is gone. ( 'He's gone for help!') And here I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be loyal? No matter."

Laughing, he turns away from Harry. ₴Nagini, come to me. I want you with me when my Death Eatersss arrive₴ Voldemort hissed. The giant serpent slithered out of the shadows from where it had been hiding since losing Cedric. Voldemort gently picked her up and allowed her to sit on his shoulders

Harry waited in apprehension, listening for any sign of help, ignoring Voldemort as he started ranting about his family. Upon hearing the telltale POP of apparition Harry looked around hopefully. But instead of Dumbledore arriving to help him, it was the Death Eaters. Wearing all black hoods and white masks, staring between Harry and Voldemort in various states of disbelief.

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