You'll Be Fine, Tez

Comenzar desde el principio

Will was in the room with Teresa, holding her hand, when Tom came in. Since she wasn't conscious and there was nothing he knew, he told Tom to talk to the Intelligence Unit, since they were taking over the case and might be the only ones to help him find his brother.

For now, only Jay and Voight were at the CPD, since they had nothing to go with other that Theodor and all the others went home. Voight figured he and Jay could start and let the others rest and get their energies up for the next day to start getting a move on the case.

"Dr. Halstead?" Dr. Abram, returned from home the next morning, spoke up.

Will, with his head on the edge of the bed and still holding Teresa's hand, sat up straighter, opened his eyes and then sat up straighter. He didn't look at Dr. Abram, instead checking Teresa to see if she was okay.

"She's starting to wake up," Dr. Abram's says.

"Can I speak to her?" Will asks, wanting to be the one to examine her but knowing that Dr. Abram was her doctor now.

"Okay," Dr. Abram agrees after a few seconds.

"Teresa? Can you hear me?" Will asks as her eyes slightly open and close several times.

"Lighten the sedation," Dr. Abram says to the nurse.

As she looks more awake and moves her head slightly, Dr. Abram disconnects the tube in her mouth from the ventilator. She continues to breath and her vitals stay regular.

"Alright, she's breathing on her own," he announces. "Teresa, I'm going to pull your tube out. You'll feel some discomfort, but it'll be over soon."

Dr. Abram quickly takes out the tube and Teresa coughs a few times when she's free from it. She looks around, slightly confused. Dr. Abram looks at Will and nods, allowing him to make the next few questions.

"Do you know where you are, Teresa?" Will asks.

There were a few seconds of silence and then, with a weak voice, Teresa answered, "hospital."

"Good. You know who I am?" Will asks hopeful, but when it takes too long without an answer he asks again, "you recognize me?"

"Will Halstead. ED."

Will smiles with relief. "Good."

"Squeeze my hand," Dr. Abram orders as he puts two fingers on Teresa's palm.

She looks at him and then squeezes.

"Good," he takes out his light and points it at her, "follow the light."

Teresa did just that and Dr. Abram was pleased with what he was seeing.

"Do you know why you're in the hospital?" Dr. Abram questions.

Will looks at Teresa attentively as she looks at Dr. Abram with furrowed eyebrows, trying to remember.

"Uh... I..." Teresa closes her eyes. "I... I went home..."

"It's okay, no need to force yourself," Dr. Abram assures her as he sees she's thinking too hard. "We also aren't sure what happened, but you were hit in the head. You have a TBI, but thankfully no fractures. There's a big contusion around the trauma area all the way to your eye. Memory loss is consistent. What is the last thing you remember?"

"I remember finishing a case and... and I think I had to rush home..."

"Alright. You just rest now, okay?" Dr. Abram says. "All things considered I'm really happy with how you are. We'll discuss treatment in a bit, but it won't be nothing too much, okay?"

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