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Hi(; again this is not my original concept I just love love love some pacific rim bro sheesh. Things will be different, storyline is kinda the same tho. Obviously gonna be typos and whatnot. Ily.

K-Day August 10. 2013 0800

I still remember the fear in everyone's eyes as we learned together that what we thought was a massive earthquake was really a giant monster emerging from the pacific. Mothers held their children screaming, families were at a loss for what to do. Lucky for us we were right in the middle of it. I watched the beast tear through San Francisco, wrecking everything in its way. We had a breathe of relief when we saw the military fly in, surely they would save us. That quickly turned to panic as we saw them being wiped out as if they were flies. People were everywhere, rushing to get to safety.

I grabbed my sister, Vic, and booked it to the car. It's been just her and I against the world. Mom passed and dad wanted nothing to do with us, so I took custody of my 16 year old sis and we dipped to California the day of my 18th birthday a few days prior. Looking back on it, I think I just have bad luck and bad timing. We sped out to a bunker for nuclear fall out, and waited it out there with thousands of others for 6 days. Ive always been bad at just sitting around waiting so I made myself useful, providing aid to those who were injured. I grew up holding my own so I knew how to take hits and dress them too. My sister was visually impaired, but the sweetest soul you could ever meet. Sure Vic couldn't really see, but damn did she have the presence about her that drew people in like a magnet. She was like a slice of calm for the people down in the bunker. She would have people talk about their lives prior to the attack, focusing on the good things. People always seemed to calm down at happy memories. We worked like yin and yang together, I was physically helping people while she was mentally distracting them from the pure chaos happening outside. No one really knew what was happening until we heard the military turned to using nuclear missiles, 3 of those suckers and the bastard was finally gone.

Trespasser, is what they called him, and a trespasser he was.

The world thought of it as just a single event, a tragedy none the less, but surely it wouldn't happen again. Until Manila happened 6 months later, and then 4 months later Cabo. It wasn't until the hit on Sydney that a scientist came to the conclusion that we needed to fight back without the heavy use of nuclear missiles, seeing as it was destroying the environment faster than ever before and killing off cities too. In comes Dr. Jasper Schoenfeld and Caitlin Lightcap, Saviors to humanity if you ask me. They created the Jaeger as we know it today.

The world came together, they loved the idea of a Jaeger, we could fight back. The PPDC (pan pacific defense corps) endorsed the plan and set out for recruitment. They needed J-techs, brilliant minds that could work on these robotic beasts. They needed people on controls, guiding the Jaeger pilots and informing them on the Kaiju. And lastly they needed Jaeger pilots. Becoming a pilot was difficult, to share the neurological load of controlling the bot, you had to be connected to someone else in the drift. Not just anyone could be drift Compatible, you had to be able to think and move as one. Siblings and family members were in hot demand, but not everyone wanted to go into a giant robot and fight these monsters popping up out of the sea. But some of us did, Vic and I, we were always known as a power team in everything we did. Sure she couldn't see but believe me, we didn't think going into this we'd come out as pilots, we were just trying to serve and save our people from the Kaiju that wrecked our lives.

I mean, we had nothing to lose anyways.

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