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Since they was child, Ruby and Yang was taught about Oum, the Creator of God, who will return to Remnant and banish all Grimm and save every people on Remnant. It was said that one day, in the dark time where Humanity’s last stand against Grimm, Oum will descend from the heaven to put Grimm to where they come from. To hell. He will gave his children power to help him fight against Grimm.

Ruby believed it, and it is one of the reason why she wanted to become a Huntress. Her faith is strong, and she believe that one day, Oum will come to save Humanity. Even after revelations about the Brother of Gods, Ruby and Yang are still believed to Oum. Their faith still strong as always.

Atlas, the last stronghold of Humanity was under attack by massive power of Grimm under the queen of Grimm, Salem. Many Huntsmen and Huntresses died to defend it and its people. Ruby, her sisters -the team RWBY- and team JNPR are one of the remaining Huntsmen and Huntresses that still defending Atlas. Most of the people who defending Atlas are the soldier of Atlas.

It was a dark time and Humanity are waiting for their fate. It was already lost, however as every land on Remnant are covered by Grimm, Ironwood and his soldiers have grown on thin ice between them, Oscar are missing, and the Relic of Knowledge are already lost. Their hope to survive are Penny, the Winter Maiden and Ruby, the Silver Eyed warrior.

Currently, Ruby and Yang currently are praying to Oum in a room. Their prayer was not disturbed as the ground shook beneath them and the alarms are blazing red as the sound of footsteps soldiers of are echoing through the hall yet they still praying for Oum to come and helped them all.

Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladona ran on the hallways, bumping into some soldiers that went towards the opposite way. They soon approach their destination as they watched their team leader and her sister still praying. Weiss wanted to tell them about Grimm that headed their way but Blake hold her to give them a moment to pray.

After a moment, Ruby and Yang stood up from their place, they grabbed their weapons that lays in front of them since they was praying. Yang put her gauntlets on while Ruby muttered something to her gun-scythe.


When team RWBY arrive at the wall of Atlas, they saw team JNR and other soldiers looking at the sky with their mouth agape.

“What is happening?” Ruby asked. Jaune, with shaky hand slowly pointed at the sky team RWBY followed and they was shocked. Thousands of Nevermore blackened the sky and at the center of it is the whale Grimm, a massive flying Grimm heading towards their way. It was there, they knew their fate was doomed.

“By Oum! We are doomed!” One of the soldier shouted.

“Quiet, soldier!” An officer hushed him. “We stand on ground to defend Atlas!”

Ruby fell to her knees, and praying on Oum again, waiting for His help. The whale Grimm are coming closer and closer to Atlas. Making the Soldiers and Huntsmen panicked.

“F-fire!” The Officer ordered, but no one obeyed it as their hope was shattered. A loud roar was heard from the whale Grimm, Ruby and the others look at it as the whale Grimm fell from the sky. Dead.

“What was that?” Ruby asked, pointing at the whale Grimm. No one answer it, as they looked at the sky, where many projectiles and missiles fell from the sky.

The Nevermores and the Grimm on the ground are blown up as the projectiles and missiles hit them.

Ruby and Yang realized, it was the helped from Oum. He are descending from the heaven and currently making His way to Remnant.

Penny, the Winter Maiden, Winter Schnee and Qrow arrived on the wall. Looking at the Grimm that still blown up from the projectiles and missiles.

There was a dull roar from far away. They saw a massive explosion that blown Grimm to ash, even from their vast distance they could feel the shockwave that blown to them. Then another one. And another one. These explosions turned the land that full of Grimm into massive wasteland.

“Holy Shit!” Qrow muttered. “Is that the secret Atlas weapon?”

“No.” Penny answered. “We don’t have weapon like that, let alone the one who can make a land turned into wasteland.” She look up to the sky. “It fell from the sky. There is something that fired it.”

“What?” Jaune said in disbelief. “If it not Atlas then who fired it and where it comes from?”

“It was fired from…the orbit.”
The soldiers, Huntsmen and Huntresses didn’t believed her words. There is no such machine in Remnant that can penetrated the Orbit of Remnant but, hearing this from her, it might be true.

“Wait.” Penny froze. “Someone are hijacking our communication.” Everyone who heard it froze at their place. “They send a message to us!”

A cracking voice from the speaker was heard. Not also from their position, the speaker and radio from entire Atlas are also heard it.

“Men and Women, hear me! You have held the line against Daemons and your call for aid has been answered. The God-Emperor have choose us to aid you in the battle! We are His sword and His wrath! We are the Emperor’s chosen! We are the Imperium. Stand in your positions soldiers, we will fight by your side. The Emperor Protects!”

The voice of joy was erupted through entire of Atlas. Ruby and the others are feel relieved as there is help from the sky. The Heaven. There was noises from the speaker. The people and protectors of Atlas went silent to listen what the Imperium wanted to say.

“Enemies of the Imperium. Hear me! You come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their threads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win! The Emperor has given us his greatest weapon to wield. So make yourself ready. We are the thirteenth Cadian Regiment along with the Blood Angels and today is our victory day!”

Pods are descending from the sky and along with many aircrafts. And, massive ships are also descending from red clouds. It was there Ruby realized that the help is not from Oum.

But from the Imperium. From the God-Emperor.


Hoo boy, it only took a day to complete this chapter. So yeah, another One-Shot story.

No editing, just pure imagination.
Damn, I don't know what possessed me this day

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