The blonde boy was wearing a dark suit with a small pin that looked like a snake, it suited him quite well, he looked attractive.

"Yes Draco, I packed ages ago." Ria admitted unwillingly, she didn't want to sound like she was excited for her visit to the malfoy manor when she was exactly the opposite.

"Great well I'll send someone to go collect your luggage later on then," Draco's hands were in the pockets of his trousers, he was fiddling with the rings on his fingers, it was impossible to read him at this moment.

"I can bring it myself its alright thank you." It wasn't like Ria was bringing alot with her, just some clothes and thats it.

"No I insist, by the way be ready after last class today we're leaving early." Millie had turned her gaze towards Ria to seek a response, "Why?" Is all Ria managed to say.

"We have a higher status than these ordinary wizard folk,no offence," He nodded at Millie meaning he directed his remark at mud bloods and anybody that didn't seem important enough to mention.

"What so you think we're privileged?"
Ria felt an unwelcome rage build inside of her body, Draco was always a snob but sometimes she let herself think he had changed and would be able to refrain himself from making  comments such as those but clearly she had been mislead yet again.

"Yes that's exactly what I think Dolohov, now you two enjoy breakfast and I'll be on my way to arrange some things."

The icy eyes were no longer visible as they had disappeared, the chatter in the hall continued to echo throughout the massive room yet a loud silence was almost deafening.

There was some sort of tension between Ria and Draco that Ria herself couldn't deny, she wondered if Millie could sense it also.

"He's a charming bloke isnt he?" Millie broke the silence attempting to keep a straight face as best as she could. She could see right through Ria, she really wasn't that hard to read since major factors like her red cheeks and the glimmer of her eyes gave away the fact she got nervous around Draco.

"Charming isn't exactly the word I would use to describe him." The girls both laughed slightly and continued to mock and make fun of Draco behind his back, Ria hadn't seen Millie laugh like that in a while.


The day had dragged on for hours, the anticipation was building inside of Ria as to what was to come on her journey to the Malfoy Manor with Draco.

The students flooded out of the classrooms cheering and laughing, happy that the following morning they will be heading off home to their loving families.

As Draco had said earlier, he was waiting outside of the Dungeons for Ria. He stood alone with his hands in his pockets and his messy hair flowing about, he watched as all the students raced into the common room and eyed down all the first years that seemed all too ecstatic.

His eyes finally placed their gaze onto Ria, They observed her hair. How It rested perfectly over her chest, how her green eyes lit up nervously at the sight of him, how her sweet perfume suited her so well. As much as he disliked the girl in front of him, he couldn't help but feel attracted to her. In the back if his mind he wondered "What if?" he was to like her, to love her. but sometimes we fall in love with ideas

Hard to get  ||Draco Malfoy|| *Mature audience*Where stories live. Discover now