Chapter 1

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Rory's POV

"Yay moving day" I muttered sarcastically as I stormed past my dad.

"Yes Rory," my father sighed. "We've talked about this. We're moving in with Diana, my fiancée"

"I can't believe this!" I roared as I paced the room back and forth. "I grew up here. Dad, what about mum? Doesn't she matter? There are so many memories here! Plus Diana lives, what, 4 or so hours away from here!"

"Rory, your mother passed away many years ago. It's time you move on, I have."

"Yeah, I can see that." I muttered and slammed the door behind me.


Diana greeted us at the door of her cottage home. It was a cute little place; ivy climbed the tan, brick walls and potted plants of pinks, reds and green sat by the windows and door.

"Hi, Rory! I'm Diana. It's nice to finally meet you!" She squealed. Yup, this was my first time meeting my soon-to-be step-mother. Of course I had seen pictures of her. She always stood out in pictures with her smooth, blonde hair, summer glow skin and warm chocolate eyes. Everything about her drew you in. Well, except her small boobs.

I honestly was the opposite of her. Large breasts, milky skin, long brown hair, green eyes. I dont even look like my father. I looked like my mother. I was exactly like her, personality wise and appearance.

"Nice to meet you too." I cheered as my father drove his elbow into my side. With a toothy smile, Diana ushered us inside the small home. Dad sent me a warning glare, signalling to me that I need to behave and pay attention. The truck full of our things stayed on the lawn.

"Any tea or coffee?" Diana asked.

"Coffee, two sugars, lots of milk" I demanded, simply out of habit. The smile on her face faltered slightly.

"Rory!" Dad hissed.

"Sorry! I am so sorry. Honestly, I didn't mean to sound so rude." I apologised. She instantly perked up and grinned.

"It's fine dear. Already a coffee addict, are you? How old are you? 17?"

"16" I corrected. I internally sighed, glad she forgave me for my rudeness.
She gave a small nod before marching into the kitchen. Dad stared at me. I nervously looked around the living room, unsure of what he wanted.

"She's... nice." I commented after a moment of silence. He groaned and put his head in his hands.

"Rory! Gosh you can be so rude sometimes. I get that you don't like her, she won't ever replace your mother. I get it! But please behave." He begged.

"You're right," I said standing up. "She won't replace mum, but she is nice." I walked out in search of my new bedroom, with my suitcase in hand.

I turned the corner and wandered down the hall, admiring the collection of photos on the wall. Absentmindedly, I reached for a door and opened it. A girlish scream erupted from inside, snapping me to my senses. A man stood inside and was using a shirt to cover his... ding-dang-digga-dong.

"Sorry! Sorry!" I cried out and slammed the door. I stood outside, my breathing erratic. I leant against the wall and tried to erase the image I saw. A moment later, the man stepped out.

"Erm... Hi. My name is Aiden Kilfoy. I believe you're my new soon-to-be step-sister? Mum hasn't stopped talking about you and David. Gosh, I haven't seen her so happy since Dad killed himself." He continued to blab on about happiness but I zoned out.

"Hey- hey, sorry what's your name again?" He asked.

"Oh, um, Rory. Rory Hayes." I said before strutted down the small hallway. I suddenly stopped.

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