Kidnapper (chapter two)

Start from the beginning

???1: what do you think about this place?

???2: cool!

???3: awesome!

I look at them and saw two teenage boys and one teenage girl

Girl: wait, isn't this where Emilia tried to kill those mutes?

Boy1: so

Boy2: I'm out

Boy1: fine, let's go

They leave then I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding. I get out of my hiding spot and continued searching. After searching the whole building, I left and flew home in my Mega form. As soon as I arrive, I land, transformed back then entered only to be met with darkness. I didn't bother with dinner and went to bed


I wake up in a dark room. I noticed I was tied to a chair, suddenly a light turns on revealing a masked man standing in front of me. The man looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it, I noticed he was holding a loaded crossbow. He waves the shoots me, I look at the arrow and it was a cure dart

The next day

I wake up, panting. I look around and saw Wolf sleeping. I get up and went downstairs then I turn my hands into wings. I sigh in relief as I turn them back. I grab my phone and looked at the time. It read "9:54", I put it away then started making breakfast. As soon as I was done, Wolf enters

Wolf: morning, what's for breakfast.

Me: f/b

I put our plates on the table then we sit down and ate

Wolf: find anything?

Me: no. What about you?

Wolf shakes her head then sighs. As soon as we were done, I cleaned the plates as Wolf went out. After, I was done and went for a walk. Soon I arrive at Valley Of Dogs and noticed something, there are tire tracks. I transform into a Mega Falcon then I start flying, following the tracks. Soon the tires stop, I fly around and saw a truck. I land and transformed back, suddenly I was caught in a net trap

???: ha, you got Bensoned

I look down and saw Dave with Benson. I grab my axe and cut myself down. I land on my feet then I put my axe away

Dave: huh, y/n

Dave gasps

Dave: you kidnapped the puppy and Song! It all makes sense now

Me: why would I kidnap them?

Dave: good point

Benson face palms as I roll my eyes

Benson: why are you out here anyway?

Me: I saw tire tracks and followed it. What about you, hm?

Benson: we found this car and now we're trying to fin-

We hear the car leave. I quickly transform, they get on my head then I follow the car in the air. Soon the car enters tall grass and I lost them. I land on the ground then I transform back. I let out an annoyed sigh

Dave: why did you transform back

Me: I lost them. Do you know their license number

They shake their heads

Benson: at least we know what their car looks like

Me: I guess

I transform and they get on my head then I fly to the city. As soon as we arrive, I land then they get off me

Benson: thanks for the ride

I nod, then I fly over to Valley Of Dogs. As soon as I arrive, the dogs spot me instantly but they ignored me. I saw Wolf on her corgi, I transform back in the air and I land next to her

Me: hey

Wolf: hi

I say sorta excitedly: I have news!

Wolf say happily: you found them?!

Me: no but, Benson and Dave found a car

Wolf: so?

Me: we think the car belongs to the kidnapper

Wolf says happily: so, you know who it is?

Me: no, we lost the trail

Wolf sighs as she pets her dog

Wolf mumbles: will we ever have a break?

I hug her as she hugs me

Me: don't worry no matter what I will find them

I could feel her smile slightly on my chest. We sat there for hours until Wolf pulled away

Wolf: I love you

Me: I love you too

Suddenly the dogs bark. We look around and saw a puppy in a crate on a car, the car drives away
Hey readers, I am so sorry this is late I got writers block halfway through. If you don't know what writers block is, it basically is a condition in which the author is unable to write. I hope you have a good day/night bye fur now

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