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Everybody likes Brittany. Teachers admire her, boys adore her, her parents dote on her and girls? well they get along just fine with her.

The problem? She isn't half as perfect as she sounds. Or at least she believes she isn't. Under all this shiny exterior, she's a girl of uncertainties and doubts. She has fears she tells no one about, thoughts that kill her and dreams that seem impossible but anyway keep her going.

Brittany exists during the days, she lives in the nights. 

I mean no drunken nights and dirty dancing in the clubs. I mean reading books, dreaming dreams, and basking in her  lamp's light. Her little world. 

 As happy as she is, tucked in her soft pink blanket, she wishes to go out there, to feel the night air, to walk the empty streets, to dance like nobody's watching, to laugh so much it hurts every part of her and to live freely and madly for a night. There are things she wants to do, places she wants to go, streets and clubs and drunken nights and mad dancing. It's all a big shining dream. 

But she doesn't want to do it alone. In all these dreams, she sees herself with a boy. A someone who understands her like nobody ever had and who she could truly open up to. Someone who takes her hand and brings out the courage and the wild and life buried deep inside her. 

But of all the boys who have liked her, all the boys she has met, none has fit the mold of her perfect someone. 

She finds it weird how she hasn't ever felt anything for any of those boys (and many were of good sort, handsome and nice). The only feelings she ever had were for those boys on TV,  in movies and books, who could have perfectly fit the perfect guy mold.  The one minor fault being that they were the boys on TV, and in movies and books. 

Honestly, why couldn't there be a Ryan Gosling for every girl on this earth? Hmph!

Brittany and ChicagoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz