2. Mixed Emotions

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*backstory: Robby and y/n do not associate with their dad whatsoever, they vowed never to like any cobra kai member unless it was Miguel. This mean Hawk is supposed to be off limits*

          At school the next day, Hawk and y/n make eye contact as soon as she walks in the building. They immediately know what each other are thinking.

*they walk up to each other*

Hawk: Hey y/n, I am so glad you are here. I need to talk to you right now.

Y/n: Oh ok, let's go.

*they go into an empty classroom and Hawk shuts the door*

Hawk: I have been thinking about doing this ever since yesterday, I am so happy I finally got you alone. *kisses you softly*

Y/n: *you pull back, and start to walk away, surprised at what he just did, but not entirely mad about it* Screw it! *you run back over to him and aggressively start making out with each other*

*your heart is racing, he continues to kiss you passionately while running his hands under you shirt. No one has ever made you feel this good. Hawk moves down and begins planting kisses on your collarbone, your hands are on his face as you bring his head back up to yours as you meet each other's lips again*

Hawk: *pulls back* God, you are so beautiful.

Y/n: *you can't help but smirk, as he pulls you back in again by the hips and starts kissing you rapidly*

*Normally this would drive you crazy to even begin to think about kissing a boy in the middle of the school day, especially a Cobra Kai, and when people could walk in at any moment. But you don't care, in this moment there is nothing else more important to you than Hawk*

*you continue kissing aggressively back and forth but then ...

*bell rings*

Y/n: *you abruptly pull away* Oh shit, I have to go.

Hawk: *reluctantly pulls away*

Y/n: And so do you. Let's go, come on!

Hawk: *kisses you one last time as you run away*

Y/n: *your heart feels like it is going to beat through your chest, you can hardly breathe as you run to class. Looking back at Hawk watching you from down the hallway* What have I just done.

*You watch as the time goes by throughout the day, you can't seem to focus. All you can think about is that incredible moment that you shared together, you imagine that was what heaven is like. You keep reimagining his hands on your hips as your hands run through his mohawk. It was perfect. But now you have to snap back to reality, this goes against the rule about cobra kai. Hawk is cobra kai and cobra kai means Dad. I can't talk to Dad, he has done to much to hurt me and our family.*

*You continue daydreaming when you realize thay the final bell has rung, you can't wait to get out of school. You can't stop thinking about Hawk, and how badly you want to be with him *

*As you are walking through the hallway you see Sam and decide to run up to her and ask for her opinion*

Y/n: Hey Sam, wait up.

Sam: *turns around and smiles when she realizes it is you* Hey what's up, I haven't seen you in a long time. I just want to let you know that I don't blame you for what happened to Miguel. I know it was your brother, and I acknowledge the fact that you two are very different people.

Y/n: *smiles big* That is so good to hear because I am really sorry about Miguel.

Sam: He means so much to both of us, I just hope he wakes up. So what's new?

Y/n: Well I actually need your opinion on something.

Sam: Of course, whatever you need.

Y/n: Great, well *nervously laughs* Oh geez *begins to talk really quickly* I have a very very large crush on Hawk and I don't know what to do about it. And I know that he likes me too because we sort of made out in that classroom over there. *breathes in deeply* Wow that feels great to get off my chest*

Sam: *stunned* Whoa, that was a lot. *short pause* From what I understand you like Hawk?! A lot?!

Y/n: Yes! What do you think? *starts anxiously tapping your foot*

Sam: *begins to smile* I think it's great, you haven't really had a serious relationship with anyone and from what you say you two are obsessed with each other.

Y/n: *takes a deep breath and hugs Sam* Ahh, thank you thank you! This means so much to me. I wasn't sure how to feel because of the whole Cobra Kai rule but he really does make me happy.

Sam: I definitely have my doubts about him but as long as you like him, I guess I can try to be nicer to him.

Y/n: Seriously Sam, thank you so much.

Sam: No problem, all I want for you is happiness but if he breaks your heart I will end him gladly.

*you both walk out of school giggling with a huge smile on your face*

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